A Simple Lack of Integrity
Thursday November 10 2011, 7:58 AM
uglier than the cashier she replaced-a copy of this week's Globe "newspaper".

On the front page is a photo of Dan Wheldon strapped to a stretcher, head bandaged, and helmet between his knees. First, you need to be a low life to even place that on the cover of your "paper" and even a lower life form to have sold the photo. The headline claimed to have autopsy photos and the "secret" autopsy report. Needless to say I didn't even pick it up. I'm not a ghoul and the Globe doesn't exactly employ the brightest "journalists". I also have my doubts on how credible their resources are and, if they have any at all.

Motorsports deaths are tragic, gruesome events. No sports writer relishes reporting the details no more than a war correspondent loves being in the line of fire. A picture is worth a thousand words. But some of those words should not be said in polite society-like the picture that sorry SOB took and sold to the Globe. In a perfect world karma would make him an internet sensation with a photo of his corpse in an embarassing position.

The Florida Legislature quicky and wisely presented a bill to then Florida Governor Jeb Bush that made it a felony to release autopsy photos unless a judge orders their release. This law was the muscle needed to beat back the low lifes who could not wait to have a photo of a dead Dale Earnhardt, Sr. lying on a table for their next front cover once and for all. Since then several states have followed suit. I searched to see if Nevada has such a law but was only able to find that in 1982 the Nevada Attorney General declared photos were not public record and that it still policy.

Then brings the question. Why would the Globe even run a story like this? I know it's a rag and people buy it, read it, and order the Virgin Mary statue that will bring prosperity and deliver them from the squalid existence they now live, but thinking race fans would buy this? Well any self respecting fan is not going to buy this drivel. The Globe is in way over their head on this one. The audience they are trying to get is one that will not buy their product.

So Globe editors I ask you to just go back to the stories of the gutter-dwellers you love and leave motorsports reporting to those who work for respected publications. As for the guy who sold that photo...remember karma's a bitch...and on somedays she has puppies.

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