The Legend Needs References
Sunday November 27 2011, 1:15 PM
I lack the writing talent of a PattyKay or Dave Fulton, I have always enjoyed putting my thoughts and feelings into words. Back in the day when I had a very inspirational English Lit teacher, I had thoughts of writing the great American Novel or, perhaps, approach the magic of Charles Dickens as he created imaginary worlds out of reality. Never really considered a Pulitizer Prize possibility or any other writing award, but I guess I always did hope that folks would enjoy reading things I write, truth or fiction. I just simply enjoy writing.

I have always sort of wanted to run my own business. A Business where I am the boss, I work for myself and I do what I want to do. Essentially, that is what I do now with my LLC but that remains subject to the whims of those who engage the services of that LLC. I guess it will always be that way, but I do, in the near future, intend to start writing that novel I've always wanted to write. I have sat down with a publisher and he has guaranteed me an online publication and the novels he has thus published there have been semi successful. No John Steinbeck or Ernest Hemingway discovered by him yet, but there is the possibilities.

Now, this is where I need the help of at least FIVE of you willing individuals. Willing to put your reputations on the line for me. I am in the process of organizing and filing a corporate entity with the Security Exchange Commission. My new entity will be known as "OBBAMA". No, it is NOT a political agency and if you notice, there are TWO "B"s so it has nothing to do with the President of the U.S. My entity is the Official Busch Brothers Apology Management Agency. I will begin immediately writing the scripted apologies for these two morons to use when necessary. I need five of you to use as references when I submit my proposal to Joe Gibbs and Roger Penske. I am calculating that I should be extremely wealthy by the end of next year. I propose rates as follow:

1. When a member of the press is cursed out: $25,000.00 apology

2. When a member of NASCAR is cursed or given digital signals with either hand: $50,000.00 apology

3. When a fan is cursed by a Busch: $50,000.00

4. When a fan is given a digital signal with either hand, $75,000.00.

5. When a fellow competitor is taken out of a race by purposeful actions. $150,000.00 apology.

6. When the "F" word is used and picked up on mic, either on radio, tv, or in car communications: $150,000.00 apology

7. When the "GD" word is used and picked up on mic, either on radito, tv or in car communications, $200,000.00 apology.

8. When criticizing NASCAR and found to be in violation of the rule regarding actions determental to the sport: $500,000.00 apology

9. When criticizing the crew about the car in terms not acceptable in general conversation: $35,000.00 apology

10. When criticizing anything, anyone, or any circumstance in a manner that is not approved by NASCAR: $15,000.00 apology

Just a brief review of this past season, a very brief review, I estimate my income would have been $9,255,155,205,665.00. Guess Racers Reunion could rule the web with that backing.

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