Wednesday March 28 2012, 10:46 AM

I am sometimes fascinated with things I read. I read a lot for entertainment but also like to think I learn things from all the reading I do. I was reading an article yesterday about how Newton discovered gravity. Excuse me! Discovered gravity?? I would assume that anyone before Sir Isaac who ever fell or dropped an apple already knew about gravity? What say you? Discovered gravity? I think not. What about this long and oft repeated story that Christopher Columbus discovered America? That’s what I learned in school and that is still taught as fact although since my graduation all those many years ago it has been supposed that Viking actually got here two hundred years before Chris and that quite possibility Asians actually walked across the Bearing Straight between Alaska and Russia (remember Sarah Palin says she can see Russia from her house?) and were here even before the Vikings. That doesn’t even take into account that Native Americans were already here it is believed. So, we have a theory that Newton “discovered” what had existed from the beginning of time, and that Columbus stumbled upon a continent that happened to be in the way of his intended short cut to the trade he was seeking. Regardless, he did get a city in Ohio named after him for his efforts. All Newton got was fig newtons. Oh, wait, he does get credit for the fig newtons.

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