APRIL 24, 2012 Legendtorial - Vintage Championship Series Rocks Shelby, NC
Wednesday April 25 2012, 11:01 AM

I know some of you listen to every word of my weekly adventure on the Goat Rodeo while some of you are engaged in other things. To those who listen to every word, I know I’m beginning to sound like the proverbial broken record and the content of my segment seems to repeat itself every few weeks, if not every week. I have asked Jeff about this and whether or not we should abolish my segment and he said that as long as I want to do it, he would like to have it as a part of the show. I do note, however, that last week I was booted off Skype with 15 minutes left in the show. I would have felt bad about that but Cody called me and he and I talked for more than 45 minutes. Seems he was booted as well and since he is a much bigger star here than am I, I realized there must been an issue of which I was not aware. In any event, for those of you who do listen to what I have to say each week, give some thought to whether or not the Legendtorials are getting repetitive and/or boring.

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