JULY 10, 2012 Legendtorial - But First, a Word From Our Sponsors
Wednesday July 11 2012, 10:53 AM

JULY 10, 2012 LEGENDTORIAL ~ But First a Word From Our Sponsors

by: Tim Leeming

If you watched the Fourth of July Parade on TNT Saturday night, also referred to as The Coke Zero 400, you saw what was billed as wide open racing.  The “Wide Open” referred to the way TNT handled the commercial breaks by including the commercials in a small box in the middle of the television screen where  you could still see the racing action while listening to voice-overs giving you information for which most race-watchers are so desperate.  More than one opinion of the TNT coverage, wide-open or not, calls for language not usually acceptable in mixed company so let’s leave it at that. To designate the race as anything to do with “Zero” could not have been more grammatically correct, for, other than tearing up more than two dozen race cars in some really horrendous wrecks, the event consisted of an inside row of cars staying in a parade line and the outside line, which could never quite catch up, staying in a parade line.  Call it what they will, but that was not racing.

The point of tonight’s Legendtorial is not, however, to complain about the poor performance on the race track but to talk about commercials.  Yes, commercials.

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