Legendtorial - What You Sow, So Shall You Reap
Wednesday October 3 2012, 1:37 PM
he was fair game. "Boys" will do that. "Men" do not. However, in my considered opinion, the "boys" got a little... or a lot... carried away. Perhaps it should also be noted that Tim is one of my best friends.

To say that I was less than thrilled with the "boys'" exaggerated imitation of Tim's Legendtorial is akin to saying that Hurricane Katrina was a bit of a breeze. I was furious... but I said nothing about it to my friend on his return. I didn't have to. The 226 emails that awaited him took care of that, along with many comments made to him this past weekend at the Hillsborough event.

Without divulging any conversations I might have had with anyone, I do know that Tim and Jeff [Gilder, site owner] spoke with each other at Hillsborough, and I assume that part of what you'll read next was somewhat tongue in cheek, but not totally. I believe the agreement might have read something like "You gave it to me and I intend to give it right back to you!" Bravo! I doubt the "boys" will be picking on The Legend again anytime soon.

Moral of the story: If you would be treated well, treat others well... or learn to duck!


Before I get into the true intent of this Legendtorial, I want to address two issues on my mind from this weekend.

First up is Kyle Busch at Dover.  This is not intended as a slap or insult, just something I hope someone in a shop somewhere in Joe Gibbs’ empire will pass on to Kyle.  I read last week that Kyle was upset because he wasn’t being interviewed, which he attributed to not being a part of the Chase.  At Dover, he had a great race to the point of almost total domination, and but for the fuel mileage run would have won.  I noted that before ESPN signed off, which by the way was with EIGHT minutes remaining in the allotted time for the race, they made a point of stating they had hoped to interview Kyle Busch but he had “left the track”, code speak for he was hiding from the press.  Kyle, we all understand such a disappointment as you experienced and we all know you are a very intense individual in a race car.  I personally keep hoping your maturity is going to catch up with your driving talent and you will be able to handle such disappointments. But, you know what? I think back to the days of Fireball Roberts and Fred Lorenzen, two of the greats, and neither  of those guys were readily available for interviews after a difficult loss.  But, having said that, Kyle, please note that the sport thrives on all the coverage and exposure of its stars, and you are certainly one of the brightest stars.

My second remark concerns traversing the City of Charlotte, NC.  On my return trip from a most wonderful event in Hillsborough, NC on Saturday, it was raining hard and coming into Charlotte on I-85 was hampered by the continuing construction. I decided to take the I-485 bypass of Charlotte to Rock Hill, as I assumed the weather was indicative of accidents on I-77 in Charlotte as they seem to pile them up there even in pretty weather.  Little did I know that the by-pass added thirty miles to the trip and traffic on the by-pass was as heavy as I could have expected in downtown Charlotte.  I did note that I passed Bruton Smith Boulevard just before I got on I-485 but the shocker of all was coming up on an Exit for “Lawyers Road” on 485.  Lawyers Road?  Really guys?  Surely Charlotte has folks entitled to have roads named after them other than simply “Lawyers Road”.  I avoided that exit at all costs as I assumed to exit there would result in a lawsuit.

Now to the subject requiring my comments tonight: To the crew of The Goat Rodeo, who took full advantage of my absence last week to ridicule and disparage me for the entire two hour broadcast... I realize that tomorrow evening the two Presidential candidates will debate, but this will NOT be a debate, simply a statement of facts... so buckle your seatbelts.  After all, I was inundated with e-mails and when I arrived in Hillsborough for the event this weekend, I was told by many people of the remarks and meanness directed towards me by the assembled Goats.  You boys have no idea how popular a person you chose to attack.

First, to Hugh, the “Man on the Street."  I realize that associating with someone of Bopper’s character can adversely affect your ability to think clearly, if at all, but my past experiences with you have always indicated a man with a modicum of intelligence.  I had believed, very erroneously apparently, that you were a man of character, who would be fair and just in all judgments and statements.  I will withhold further comment as to my now held opinion of your character, as to comment further would surely end any chance you and I may have to carry on further conversation.

Secondly, as to Coastal Jack, the Casey Kasem Wannabe who believes he has a clue about beach music... you also disappoint me because I believed you to be a better person than your comments last week indicated.  As I always say, you are entitled to your opinion, even when that opinion comes from a sun-baked brain full of beach sand from hanging out under the boardwalk for too many years.  I wish you well and sincerely hope you can find a radio station somewhere that will allow you to sit and spin records from yesteryear.  Good luck with that.

Bopper, what can I say about you?  You hog the show every week with your weak attempts at humor and your endless ramblings about whatever subject happens to enter that weak mind of yours at the time. I have been told that D.W. gets paid big bucks to be an idiot in public. I’m happy to know you accommodate Jeff by doing it for free.   You exhibit all the signs of someone truly deficient in the ability to contribute to society.  If I were in need of auto parts in Shallote, North Carolina, the very last place I would call would be your parts store.  If you get a chance to sell out to NAPA, take the check, even if it's only $50.00.  That would surely be an upgrade for you. After all, Bopper, I would not allow you to even shine my boots, you inept buffoon.

Cody, Cody, Cody...  I am shocked and disappointed in you.  I was told by several people in Hillsborough and in e-mails, of your comments and insults dished out on the show last week.  I have, from the first time I encountered you, supported you, complimented you, and truly believed in your future.  I still hope, although with less enthusiasm than before, that you are able to get out of Dawsonville someday and maybe get a job calling the pig races at a local State Fair somewhere.  Best of luck to you.

Finally, Jeff. The head man, cheap-skate swaggering dictator with illusions of Godhood.  Remember this Goat man! You may have created “The Legend”, but I have made The Legend a true icon for this website.  It is I who is recognized at events. It is I who handles the public so well because I truly like people and truly enjoy doing what I do.  I thank you for what you have done for me, but, my friend, remember this:  I am The Legend, so named by you... but that title has taken on a life of its own.   Never forget that I can do it all, from singing the National Anthem, to handling a microphone, to talking to anyone and everyone who wants to talk racing from Augusta, to Columbia, to Myrtle Beach, to Charlotte, to Mooresville, to Hillsborough. I can write the articles for your magazine and for the Home Page here.  The King is a fan of The Legend!  Does he even know who you are?

Whether or not you consider my contributions to the website and this show as worthy of the effort is for you to decide.  Should you decide that I am no longer a viable asset for RacersReunion, just let me know.  But, be forewarned; you will still encounter me at events because I now have my legacy to uphold.  You started it; I will finish it.  So, think all this through carefully, my friends, for it is the group of you here who brought these Legendtorial comments upon yourselves.  If you don’t like what’s been said, that is your problem.  I would give you my e-mail but since that seems to be so humorous to the likes of Bopper, I will no longer provide that information.  I’m sure Bopper will and I welcome any comments.

Should you decide to delete my membership here again, as you have once already, let me just tell everyone, I will be at Memory Lane Museum on October 14th to honor Bud Moore.  Come see me there.  So, for the time being, “back to  you Jeff”. (Followed by a loud, resounding BURP!)


Twitter: @legendtim83

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(Editor’s note: Tim Leeming is a member of the regular cast of the Tuesday evening racing show ” Racing Through History”, presented on Zeus Radio Network by RacersReunion®. Archives can be found by following the link. Live broadcasts can be heard from 7:00-9:00 PM every Tuesday. Please feel free to join us in the RacersReunion® Chat Room for the show.)

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