Legendtorial - A Kinder and Gentler Opinion
Wednesday November 14 2012, 2:11 PM
  As I signed off last week, I was considering my next course of action, as the kinder and gentler Legend is here to stay. One of the reasons for that is I was getting tired of hearing about grumpy old men and had never wanted to be considered such.  I had never really considered myself controversial other than the fact that I am very opinionated and while I have learned to accept everyone’s opinion without getting violent about it, I still believe what I believe until I am shown differently.  Randy Myers changed my opinion of the NASCAR Hall of Fame and I will be forever grateful for that.  Tommy Buxton, in a conversation with Jeff and me in Hillsborough about a month ago, also mentioned that it is far better to be considerate and gentle than to go about saying things that may hurt others.  I have never really wanted to intentionally hurt someone, but looking back over my life, I know that has happened more than once.  For those times, I am sorry.

Remember our Christmas show last year?  I attempted to sing the song “Let There Be Peace on Earth”.  A phrase in that song goes on to say “let it begin with me. “ (Editor's note: When The Legend says he "attempted" to sing this beautiful song, he means that he offered up on Zeus Radio the most beautiful rendition I have ever heard... A Cappella, mind you. Sadly, Tim has never recorded his music, at least to my knowledge, so I took a stroll through YouTube and came up with this version, different but pleasing. Though we have at times referred to our Legend as a "curmudgeon", a synonym I guess, for "grumpy old man", there is not a soul here that does not love him, and this song actually depicts his true and yes, gentle nature. Please enjoy:)

If I could be all powerful, it would be my ultimatum that peace would reign on earth forever more.  No worries, I’m not going into song tonight; I just want to get some of the more pleasant things out of the way before I start my rant, which is sure to make Jeff at least somewhat happy.  Here goes; buckle up!

First up:  Did you hear the crowd when Jimmie Johnson hit the wall Sunday? The cheers were even louder than when Dale, Jr. took the lead at Talladega.  I understand that.  Folks are tired of Jimmie Johnson making the Chase his personal playground to bleed another championship.  Jimmie has said that he wants to have at least EIGHT championships to prove he is the "greatest driver of all time."  While I have nothing personal against Jimmie and believe him to be a fine driver and a good Champion, we are back to trying to define “The greatest driver of all time”.  Sorry, Jimmie, but if you win 10 Championships, you’ll still have a long way to go to achieve that goal.  Not going to happen, my friend, just as I hope that Sunday was the end of your run for the 2012 Championship.  I hope that is now safely in the hands of Brad Keselowski.  I would love that for several reasons, which I will mention later herein.  I understand the cheers Sunday, but I still don’t like a Championship being won, or lost, by such means.

Speaking of Brad, let’s consider this.  He spoke out Sunday and he was right about everything he said.  I read the other sites and comments throughout each week and Brad was being crucified by some for the way he raced Jimmie at Texas.  Come on, you half-wit idiots!!  Brad raced Jimmie hard, but clean. Don’t you think he could have turned Jimmie into the wall several times in those last dozen laps? Brad is right. There is a double standard and because he is the new kid on the block, he is being judged by a different set of qualifications and that simply is not fair.  I have a long history with the Keselowski family going back to August, 1969, when Ron Keselowski won the pole for the Grand National Race at Columbia Speedway.  I have told the story before, and have had it confirmed by one of the nieces, but I’ll not go into it here because it is too unbelievable.  I do know the Keselowski family is a racing family and Brad is the epitome of everything good from that family now.  It rests on his shoulders to win a Cup Championship.  While I respect Roger Penske, although I do question his decision to leave Dodge, I really don’t care whether HE wins the Cup; it’s Brad I want to see lifting that Cup next Sunday evening.

As for the Jeff Gordon and Clint Bowyer mess, I have considered several different comments but, wisely I think, I will tone down what I had originally intended to say.  However, I want to say that I have respected Jeff Gordon since his first race on November 15, 1992.  The times I have met him, although brief encounters for the most part, have always been very pleasant and I continue to respect him.  As for Clint Bowyer, I haven’t cared for him since his first appearance on the circuit. I  don’t  like his attitude and I questioned his driving talent on more than one occasion.   He either misjudges the room he has to place his race car, or he simply likes to run into other people.  While I don’t condone using a race car as a weapon, Clint got what he deserved Sunday, in my opinion.  Having read comments on several other sites and having some of my FaceBook Friends comment, it seems the majority side with Jeff.  Most said Clint had it coming.

Now, as to all the fighting:  There are many here who will repeat as gospel that racing and fighting go together.  The 1979 Daytona 500 debacle with the Allison brothers and Cale is credited with putting NASCAR in the mainstream.  I would prefer not to believe that.  Admittedly, having gone to races virtually all my life, I have seen a number of fights in the pits and in the infield.  I’ve even seen fans get into in the grandstands.  I still don’t like it. I realize there are many here tonight that do, and many that say that without fighting, there isn’t racing.  I just don’t want to buy into that.  Yeah, I know... too naive. I could tell you hundreds of stories to prove that point. During the five years I raced, I never came close to a fight. Johnny Mallonee can attest to that for the most part.  We raced hard, and for the most part, we raced clean... all of us.  What I saw in the pits Sunday was akin to the mentality of those college campuses that want to turn over cars and burn things when their basketball team loses the championship, OR wins the championship. Doesn’t matter; let’s just destroy something.  I do think what I saw in the pits Sunday doesn’t belong in NASCAR.  As for that run Bonsai Bowyer made to Jeff’s hauler, I have seen few things as disgusting as that in real life.  That is something out of those contrived reality shows on TV, which I cannot stand to watch.  I see someone has already posted a YouTube take off on Bowyer’s sponsor for the run he made to Jeff’s hauler.

Next on my list for comment is the sanctioning body itself.  NASCAR, I’ve done everything I know how to do to support you, commend you, and remain a “loyal fan” that you thank each week at the end of your broadcasts.  However, after your display of extreme ineptitude this past Sunday, I wonder where your collective brains are.  First, let’s consider the fact that you were throwing caution flags, as always, with the least provocation most times.  Then, Danica is sideways on the track with the pack coming and NO CAUTION.  Wasn’t that silly Lucky Dog Rule made because Dale Jarrett was once in that position when it was legal to race back to the flag?  What were you thinking?  Then, with a very obvious trail of oil in the groove, in the turn, and all the way down the straight, you do not throw the yellow.  Look what happened.  How many cars were destroyed in that melee, which is absolutely and completely NASCAR’s fault?  You guys should pay for those cars.

Now, I read where you fine Jeff Gordon $100,000 and put him on probation. Ok. Fair enough. Even Jeff says so. You fine Brian Pattie $25,000.00 for reasons so trumped up it begs for an insult to be thrown your way, but I am the kinder and gentler Legend.

This is the one that really gets me.  You idiots fine Brad Keselowski $25,000.00 for having a cell phone in his car.  It’s a damn good thing you didn’t try to take away points or  you would have had a couple hundred thousand fans burning NASCAR offices because of your direct effort to give Jimmie his 6th Championship.  Now, let’s examine this a little closer.  Was it not NASCAR and FOX television network who absolutely raved about Brad tweeting from the back-straight in the Daytona 500 during the Montoya assault on the jet dryer?  Was it not NASCAR who was so proud that Brad added 200,000 followers on Twitter and brought so much attention to the sport?  Was it not NASCAR and the networks who then worked so hard to see that everyone could tweet the networks?  There are so many “hashtag” somethings going around during race broadcasts I sometimes wonder should I watch the race, or should I tweet.  I have no idea why you, NASCAR, decided Brad needed a fine.  Is it because he spoke the truth in the interviews after the race and you can’t find a way to fine him for that without causing an uproar?  I’m sorry, NASCAR, but this is B.S., and you damn sure know what those letters mean.

Robin Pemberton stated, although I refuse to quote him directly here, that the penalties handed out to all parties are fair and will end all the issues.  Robin, if you really believe that, you are an idiot, and I frankly don’t like using that word.  You believe that what NASCAR  has done to Brad in this case will be overlooked by his fans.  I don’t think so.  I’ll leave it at that because to say more would surely cause me to invoke some of Brad’s vocabulary from the post race press conference and those words are not usually my choice to express myself.  And you really believe the Gordon-Bowyer thing is settled?

So, I’ve had two days to calm down before writing this.  Had I written it Sunday night, I would have really caused problems.  If I had written it when I first learned of the $25,000.00 fine for Brad having the cell phone, it would be unprintable. But I’ve calmed down greatly from all that.  I am hoping that Brad will go to Homestead and win that Championship. I know there are several hundred thousand other folks around the world hoping for the same thing.  But we are all now very much aware that you, NASCAR, could screw up a one car funeral procession, so we’ll have to see what happens in Homestead.

One thing for which I am truly thankful... it was not FOX televising that race, or we would have had to listen to the squeal of a stuck pig as D.W. went wild over Jeff taking out Bowyer.  That’s my kinder and gentler statement to end this week’s Legendtorial.


Email:  legendtim83@yahoo.com

Twitter: @legendtim83

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(Editor’s note: Tim Leeming is a member of the regular cast of the Tuesday evening racing show ” Racing Through History”, presented on Zeus Radio Network by RacersReunion®. Archives can be found by following the link. Live broadcasts can be heard from 7:00-9:00 PM every Tuesday. Please feel free to join us in the RacersReunion® Chat Room for the show.)

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