Legendtorial - Reasons to Give Thanks
Thursday November 22 2012, 8:24 PM
Congratulations to Ricky Stenhouse, Jr. for his second consecutive Nationwide Championship and a special congratulations to Regan Smith for his win in the Nationwide event this past Saturday.  And to Brad Keselowski, a very special congratulations to you for your Sprint Cup Championship. With that, a congrats to Roger Penske for finally attaining the goal of a Sprint Cup Championship after trying so hard for so long.  Just hate you’re leaving Dodge, Roger.  And let’s not overlook the win in Sunday’s final 2012 race for Jeff Gordon. I know that had to feel good for him after the year he’s had.  Let’s also give a special comment to Kyle Busch for being a major player in all three races, losing the truck event by only inches in a very exciting finish.  Kyle did act with class after that race and it really makes me happy to know his maturity is moving quickly towards his talent level.  He is going to be a force to deal with for sure, even though this season was really a bummer for him as well.

Now, let’s pass out some compliments; yes, that’s what I said, compliments, to NASCAR for a few things that have happened over the weekend.  I know, I blasted them last weekend and, in my opinion, they deserved that.  But this past weekend, we have learned that the trucks may, and most probably will, run dirt at Eldora in 2013 and may also run Greenville-Pickens Speedway which is actually the track where the first ever flag-to-flag Grand National race originated.  Also, the 2013 Cup cars were officially introduced in Homestead although most of us have already seen them.  Certainly everyone will agree there is a move there back towards more consumer identifiable vehicles. While it’s not the 1950s, it is a move that most of us have been asking for.  Already, the top 35 rule is history.  While I commend NASCAR for making these efforts to give us old fans something to hold onto, I would like to offer a couple other suggestions.  It’s not that I’m not pleased with what has been accomplished; I am very much pleased. I also don’t think of myself as personally greedy in wanting more but I think I speak for a lot of fans on a couple other issues.

Let’s dump the Lucky Dog rule.  Never liked that and I think most old time fans agree.  “Back in the day” as we like to say here, if you lost a lap you worked to get it back.  It can be done and was often done without that commercially endearing Lucky Dog.  As for the “wave-arounds”, that is not such a bad idea the way it’s done because it does get the leaders in a less hazardous position when it’s time for the green flag.

I would offer a suggestion that green-white-checker runs at Daytona and Talladega be stopped.  If the race ends under caution, so be it.  My suggestion for that would be to consider such a scenario as racing back to the flag for the win rather than picking up the last scoring loop which is subject to questions at every turn.

Ok, let’s talk about that infernal “Chase”.   NASCAR, meaning Brian, Mike and Robin, look at your three series and the performance in each at Homestead this weekend.  Buescher won the title by SIX points over Timothy Peters, 19 over Joey Coulter and 24 over Ty Dillon.  Those positions were changed about during the race.  There was NO Chase there.   Ok, let’s look at Nationwide.  Stenhouse won by 23 points over Elliott Sadler and 24 over Austin Dillon, with several movements in positions during the race.  There was NO Chase there.  Now Cup... Brad won by 39 over Bowyer and 40 over Jimmie.  ESPN did an excellent job keeping us updated as to the point difference between Brad and Jimmie but they totally overlooked and disregarded Bowyer who ended up, thanks to Jimmie’s misfortune, finishing second in the standings.  Overall, it was no more exciting, other than the fact I was pulling so hard for Brad, than the points races in Nationwide and truck.  Face this fact as well:  Kyle Busch missed “The Chase” by one point.  Surely many of his fans had little desire to spend their money to go watch their guy run for maybe a win but no chance at the title.  I think of the years of NASCAR, even with many changes in the way the points were awarded, and let’s be fair, some of those point systems were outrageous, there was always that chance to improve your position.  Poor Kyle, if he had won all ten Chase races could still have done no better than 13th.  Putting it bluntly, Brian, Mike, and Robin, that sucks!  It is time to throw away the Chase and let’s get back to playing fair with all the teams. (Editor's note: I'm told that points without the Chase would have placed Kyle Busch in 10th place at season's end and given him a free ticket to the banquet... along with the chance to sport a tux... just in case anyone is counting.)

There was some discussion back and forth in one of the Forum posts this week about returning to the “roots”.  While most of us here have used that terminology, and I know I have, in reality, we don’t want to go back to the roots of the sport and erase all the progress that was made by our heroes like Rex White, Paul Lewis, Ned Jarrett, Li'l Bud Moore, Billy Scott and so many others.  I believe what we are really saying is that we want the sport to go back to the way it was when fans were important to the sport, and not just by lip service, but by being able to access our favorites, talk to them, get to know them, and NOT in the way the media or their sponsors present them.  I want to know these guys like I knew Bobby Isaac, Tiny Lund, Richard Petty, Ned Jarrett, Wendell Scott.  When I could go to the track and reasonably expect to see my favorite, talk with him, and actually feel like I was more important than just the price of my ticket.  As for having the trucks come to the short tracks and the dirt tracks, I see nothing wrong with that.  I see nothing wrong with Nationwide returning to those venues.  Would that not make it more appealing to fans NASCAR is seeking to pull in.  Can you imagine a Nationwide race at, say, Greenville-Pickens for instance, and the fans be right there with their favorites.  There is the possibility that such races would return the Nationwide series to the drivers seeking to make a mark in the sport and move up to Cup without having to fight the big-money major teams such as Roush and Gibbs.  Think of it!  Nationwide at Wilkesboro and Rockingham.  What Andy Hillenburg has done with The Rock is one of the most fantastic things that has happened in NASCAR since Harold Brasington built Darlington.  Andy worked hard and continues to work hard, and he surely deserves the support of every one of us on this website.  I love that track and sure hope when he races there again I’m not under the weather with pneumonia.

So, NASCAR, I offer my thanks for what you have done over this weekend about next season and I  hope you will at least review and consider my comments about what I would still like to see done.  Granted, I’m only one person, but please consider I humbly state to you that I speak for many fans you have lost.  We aren’t the demographic you seem to seek, but we are the demographic who supported this sport over all these years.  Since 1952, although I have little recollection of that Grand National Season, I have been a fan.  I remember listening to all the Darlington races with my uncle on my Grandfather’s front porch until 1957 and then I was there... every race through 2004. Daytona, from 1962 through 1990. Atlanta, 1962 through 1990. Charlotte, from the first race through 1995, and I was there for the 2010 and 2011 600s.  Talladega, from 1970 through 1990. Rockingham, from that first race in October, 1965 through the last one, every race.  I was at the only race run on the Augusta Road Course in November of 1963.  Throw in dozens and dozens of other races from places like Pocono, Trenton, NJ, Bristol, N. Wilkesboro, Martinsville, Maryville, TN, Nashville, Savannah, Augusta, Myrtle Beach, Jacksonville,  and many other tracks and these are JUST the Grand National Races. You know those events now called “Cup” races.   I am not a “Johnny-Come-Lately” nor a NASCAR hater.  I’m a FAN. You know, Brian, those folks you’re always thanking for our support.  The guy you have drivers continually thank for our support.  We want to be that support.

I am not a big fan of “Days of Thunder” although I must commend the movie for bringing us member Sandeep Banerjee, but there is one part of that movie I truly love.  When the movie starts and the sun is  rising over the Daytona Infield and all those flags are snapping in the breeze, reminds me of all those Sunday mornings I awoke to that scene in person. First in the back of a station wagon (you young folks Google that) then camping in a tent, and then in my parents’ motorhome. That rising sun and the rousing music makes my heart beat faster because it’s Daytona 500 Sunday.  It is the beginning of a new season. A fresh start for all the drivers going for the Grand Prize at the end of the season.  It will be, in 2013, I hope, the sunrise on the beginning of a new NASCAR.  A NASCAR that recognizes its heritage, appreciates its fans, and will return to those things that made it great to begin with.

One thing I need to mention before I sign off here.  I caught a great deal of “flak” over this week about my stand on fighting in the sport.  While I respect the opinion of each person who disagrees with me, I will stand my ground.  I do not like it and I refuse to accept the premise that without the fighting the sport could not exist.   I just choose not to participate in physical violence.  Guess I should become Amish.

Finally, I want to wish each and every one listening, a very Happy Thanksgiving.  To those listeners who live in other places that don’t celebrate our American version of Thanksgiving, you, nonetheless, have reasons to be thankful for all you have.  If you are listening to this show tonight, or reading this Legendtorial at some other time, you have much for which to be thankful.   My list of things for which I am thankful begins with my wife, Ann, and continues with my amazing family.   I have a Daughter and son-in-law and three grandsons more valuable than any material thing on earth.  I have a Son and daughter-in-law and three granddaughters just as priceless.  When all is said and done, that’s what it’s all about anyway.  Didn’t Brad Keselowski say that Sunday night?  I knew there was another reason I pulled for him other than he drove a Dodge.


Email:  legendtim83@yahoo.com

Twitter: @legendtim83

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(Editor’s note: Tim Leeming is a member of the regular cast of the Tuesday evening racing show ” Racing Through History”, presented on Zeus Radio Network by RacersReunion®. Archives can be found by following the link. Live broadcasts can be heard from 7:00-9:00 PM every Tuesday. Please feel free to join us in the RacersReunion® Chat Room for the show.)

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