You Are My Reasons to be Thankful
Wednesday November 21 2012, 7:59 PM
For whatever reason the Lord has in mind, I continue to enjoy good health while having bid farewell to many of my close friends and my husband of 49 years. When asked to count our blessings, we all list family at the top, and rightly so. But how much more blessed are those of us that have more than one family?

Almost three years ago, I came to RacersReunion at the invitation of Mike Kuver, who is better known perhaps as “Mad Mikie” the renegade writer from Laidback Racing. Though Mike has never been a really active member here, he thought there might be something here for me. When I arrived here, I was not in the best of humor, and that is putting it mildly. I was a widow of two years and had just recently parted with my home in Toccoa that I loved above anywhere else on earth.

Saying that I didn’t care much for my new house didn’t cut it. Saying that I hated the money pit with a purple passion was more like it. But I was here, and by way of introduction, I put a piece on the Blog Page that I had written all in fun for a Yahoo group I’d been with for years. It was a spoof called “Fly on the Wall” about the NASCAR “meeting” with Carl Edwards and Brad Keselowski after the 2010 Atlanta race when Carl had taught Brad to fly. It was rejected for language! It had “damn” in there… and what I was told was a “crude” cover-up in using the term “arse.” Hmm, I can and do speak plainer. The guy responsible for that is no longer with us, but we remain friends to this day.

After that rocky start, I shut up and watched, which means that I didn’t make the second annual Reunion at Historic Columbia Speedway. (I haven't made that mistake again) When, after maybe three months, I began to let my presence be known, I was met with the welcoming arms of a couple of guys that had been friendly antagonists of each other for years, Tim Leeming and Johnny Mallonee. They remain today my best friends and buddies to the end. There were many others that welcomed me into the fold and I always hate to name names for fear someone will feel left out, but a few that stand out were Bobby Williamson, Billy Biscoe, Ann Leeming, Michael W. Smith, Mike Sykes, Devin Alexander and probably fifty others.

It was maybe another two months before I got to meet the HMWIC, Jeff Gilder. (Head Man What’s In Charge… ain’t gonna tell you again) Since it took that long, I imagined Mr. Gilder as some God-like figure sitting in an Ivory Tower, looking down upon his adoring subjects. That would prove to be incorrect. The first thing Jeff wanted after meeting me was for me to write. Nope, I wasn’t having any of that, thank you very much. Besides, there was no place on site for writers other than the Blog Page, which was and is rather like an isolation booth.

At around that time, I first learned about “the dream.” (Jeff’s dream.) He started RacersReunion in honor of Paul Lewis, a fellow Tennessee racer, to keep alive the history of stock car racing, partly NASCAR, but primarily the Saturday Night racers that were the heart, soul and backbone of the sport. His idea was to do this by passing our tales, our stories, those of us that have been here the longest, down to the younger ones waiting to be taught the love of racing we all have shared with each other. He wanted this site to be a "living history." I remember thinking, “Yes! I can see this working, and I want to be a part of it.” Jeff has asked me several times what keeps me here and keeps me going. Now you know Jeff; I’m in it for the money Honey!

As we’ve gone along, the site has experienced some growing pains and a couple of backslides, with this year seeing a cutback in actual pages. Farewell to our Open Wheel pages, our Show Car pages, our DIRT pages and several others. The lousy economy is real, and it’s hurt us too… far more than NASCAR because Jeff Gilder does not have the deep pockets of say, a Brian France. Back in January, Jeff decided to redo the Home Page and hired Bo the Web Guy to work with him in redesigning it. I watched that page building with some fascination, not sure why at first, but gradually it came to me that there was a place in that format to showcase writers. It took a while to get together with Jeff… on the same page, if you will. I speak English and Jeff speaks in various dialects of “no”, ‘Impossible” or “no way in hell.” I won.

Of course, that victory meant that I had to write, so write I have, along with several others to whom I owe a debt of gratitude I can never repay. Very special thanks to our Legend, Tim Leeming, who even from a very sick bed has kept ‘em coming, even though he insists on telling me over and over that “this one isn’t worthy.” Tim, they have ALL been more than worthy my friend. As I sit here on the eve of Thanksgiving, a holiday reserved for giving thanks to those that matter, it is clear that those that matter are right here. Family? You betcha! This is my racing family and for almost as long as I can remember, racing has been my life.

Racing people are special, and I’ve always known that, but looking around at those gathered here, and knowing so many of the “back stories” that not everyone gets to hear, I stand in awe of all that God has granted me in life. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to believe it. As noted, racing has been my life and I find myself surrounded by racing folks, drivers, crewmen, crew chiefs, car owners and dedicated fans like myself… all working toward the dream. Have there been rocky times here? Oh yes, and several times, I suspect they were my fault, but not every time. You gentlemen that think a gal just can’t get it done bear some responsibility.

Today, I heard another of those “back stories” and it just filled both my heart and my eyes. Wonderful people… oh yes, we have them, and we have many of them. I’ll not single out any one person in particular. How could I do that when I am thankful to God for each and every one of you? When I join hands with my kids and grandkids tomorrow to say a prayer of thanks, my thanks will mostly be for this family, my racing family, from "Sweet Daddy J." all the way down to our newest members. To those I say, welcome to the family. Enjoy the ride and follow the dream. “It’s a beauty way to go!”

I’ll close now, with some favorite words from a couple of guys named Tim.

“God bless us… every one!"


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