Legendtorial - This Champion is the Real Thing
Wednesday November 28 2012, 2:40 PM
Taking that further, there was another Forum post which questioned Brad Daugherty’s statement about waiting until next year to see if Brad is the “real thing”.  Guess Daugherty got Coca-Cola and Miller confused as to advertising slogans.  Funny thing is that during the week, that question about Brad Keselowski being the “future” of NASCAR was asked by many people on different sites I visit and, in a roundabout way, by NASCAR.com itself as several references were made as to how “different” Brad is from the usual suspects.

I want to examine this premise from my point of view and would submit my comments for your consideration.  First, I would be remiss if I did not comment on statements contained on other sites, as to Brad’s lack of decorum when celebrating the Championship at Homestead.   Brad stated, during part of that interview, that he had a “buzz”, to be interpreted as he had already had a great deal of beer.  Now, while I would admit the glass from which he was drinking was a very oversized Miller Beer glass, I would think it unlikely Brad obtained that much of a buzz within that short period of time from the Miller.  After all, Brad is from Michigan and is well accustomed to consuming malted beverages. And I say that in a most complimentary way.  I would tend to think the relief he felt by winning the championship contributed to the euphoria that made him appear far more “buzzed” than he actually was.  That was a huge win for Brad, for Roger Penske, for Dodge, and yes, as Johnny Mallonee asked, for NASCAR itself.

Consider for a moment, that Brad came from a racing family with a long history in racing.  I have often told the story of my encounter with Brad’s uncle Ron when he came to Columbia Speedway in the late sixties and early seventies for Grand National Races.  I remember those encounters vividly because Ron was driving a Dodge and he took my experience running the track every week in my Plymouth with respect.  I liked that.  Probably why I wear a larger cowboy hat than the average person.  Ron helped Brad along in his career, actually mentoring him, and, from what I understand, actually would give Brad a great deal of grief for finishing second.

In my Sunday newspaper sports section, The State Newspaper, was an article written by Mike Brudenell of The Detroit Free Press.  He posed the question as to whether or not we are likely to see a different Brad Keselowski next season due to his championship.  Mike went on to say that he could not see that happening.  He espoused the same feelings I have; that Brad is Brad and he is not going to be changed.  He is the Brad who could not be intimidated by the veterans in the sport.  Just ask Carl Edwards.  Or better yet, ask Jimmie Johnson.  Brad is 28 years old and, in my opinion, so long as he remains the Brad he was this season, his potential knows no bounds.  He is certainly capable of many more wins and several more championships.  Jimmie and Chad need to become accustomed to seeing Brad and Paul up at the head table at Championship time.

I called for Brad to win the Championship just AFTER the Daytona 500.  I had no crystal ball or tarot cards, just the belief that Brad was/is the real deal.  I like the “brashness”, which equates, in my book, to “the real thing”.  Oh wait, that makes me sound like I’m mixing up my advertising slogans like Mr. Daugherty did.   Brad won the championship with an absolutely phenomenal season by today’s standards.   I listened to him at Homestead from the in-car radio relaying what he needed in the car to Paul Wolfe.  Brad went into such detail it left no doubt in Paul’s mind what needed to be done.    It is unfortunate that Jimmie had to have trouble because I would rather have seen Brad win by one point with both finishing the race and I’m sure that’s what Brad wanted as well.  But it is done. The 2012 season is history and Brad Keselowski is the Champion.

It will be interesting to see what attempts, if any, NASCAR will make to change Brad into a clone of the drivers now dominating the sport.  The ones without the nerve to stand in front of Brian France and tweet to someone while Brian is waiting to talk to him, AFTER being fined $25,000.00 for having a phone in his car.  I loved that. That wasn’t rude on Brad’s part... that was saying, for all to see, that Brad is not afraid of NASCAR. Oh, Brad tweeted a photo shot from INSIDE his car AFTER he had won the championship.  Way to go Brad.

So, can we expect Brad to change?  Let’s consider this.  This past week he was on a long list of television shows including Good Morning America and Late Night with Jay Leno.  He has been interviewed by a ton of media from print to radio and electronic and still rode in the American Thanksgiving Day Parade in Detroit.  Mike Brudenell wrote in his article that “Brad is a genuine and caring person, there is no facade about him”.  That was a quote from Roger Curtis, President of Michigan International Speedway who has known Brad since Brad was a teenager.   That is the way I see Brad Keselowski too, and I’ve never met him. But I know what I see on television and read about him, is the unvarnished, real Brad Keselowski.

[caption id="attachment_3116" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo credit: SPEED.com[/caption]

I’m sure most of you have noticed how, when Brad wins, he puts the Stars and Stripes of our country out the window of his car and heads around the track with the red, white, and blue proudly waving.  When he won the Championship last week, he did that with the Championship banner just below the flag.   That always impressed me because of my patriotic leaning.  I just simply like that.  Then I heard about Brad's “Checkered Flag Foundation”. I checked out that website and found that Brad’s Foundation aids and supports those “who have sacrificed greatly for our country”.  Further investigation shows that The Wounded Warriors, The Armed Forces Foundation, The Paralyzed Veterans of America, The National Fallen Firefighters Association, The Detroit F.IR.E. Benefit, and the Veteran’s Administration all benefit from Brad’s involvement.  Digging a little deeper, you will find that Brad not only supports these causes with money from the Foundation, but also with himself.  He is present at many of the events and there are stories of great sacrifices Brad has made to insure a member of the Armed Services receives special recognition for his or her efforts... all without the camera and/or press around.    His Foundation is merely the means to raise funds to provide for the people who need the services.  A big pat on the back of Brad Keselowski for that.

Brad is not ashamed of coming from that blue-collar family from Rochester Hills, Michigan.  He regrets, deeply, that he bankrupted the family race team while trying to make it to the top, but he has made it there now and from the looks on the faces of him Mom and Dad at Homestead, the bad days of the past are put behind them.  Nothing now but to look forward to more good things to come.

So, to answer Mr. Mallonee’s question about the face of NASCAR, or the future of NASCAR, I will say this:  NASCAR has a true champion, who is the product of extreme sacrifice and effort.  A young man who believes in himself, his family, and his team.  A young man who can back up with his driving whatever his brash mouth puts out.  Who was it, Yogi Bera maybe, who said “it ain’t bragging if you can back it up?” (Editor's note: It was baseball broadcaster Dizzy Dean.  Personally, I have always preferred Walter Brennan, 'Guns of Will Sonnett', "No brag; just fact")

I think Brad has backed it up.  That NASCAR advertisement in which he said “this is my chase” could not have been more accurate.   While I hope and believe that we have a champion now who is a good forecast for the future of NASCAR, I would offer the observation that perhaps Brad represents the true value of what we believe NASCAR racing is about.  Our interpretation of the sport is that it is made  up of real people, not Hollywood produced or Madison Avenue manufactured.   When Brad speaks, you know you’re hearing what he’s feeling. It’s not a prepared, scripted, sponsor approved response to a question.  It is a Brad Keselowski opinion.  Is this Brad Keselowski not more closely akin to Dale Earnhardt, Sr.?  Fireball Roberts?  Buck Baker? Joe Weatherly? Curtis Turner?  Think about it.  No, I don’t consider Brad a “throw-back." I do consider him as a promise of the future NASCAR, the future NASCAR wants to have.  The blue collar folks identify with Brad. First time since Dale, Sr.  Young folks identify with Brad and are probably the bulk of his Twitter followers.   This fits right in with that demographic NASCAR seeks to impress although research proves NASCAR is barking up the wrong tree there.

Oh well, only about 90 days until Daytona.  Should be fun to watch Brad as the reigning champion.  But, you know what?  It has always been fun for me to watch Brad Keselowski and I don’t expect that to change anytime soon.  Congratulations, Champ.


Email:  legendtim83@yahoo.com

Twitter: @legendtim83

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