O Holy Night
Wednesday December 19 2012, 4:02 PM

There is a song played often on the radio this time of year entitled “Christmas is for Children”.  I've heard it a number of times already this season, as the station I listen to here in Columbia has been playing Christmas music since Thanksgiving.  There are many Christmas stories and movies directed towards children and certainly Santa Claus is here each year for the children, although there are some of us adults who manage to remain on the “Nice List” so we can enjoy Santa Claus as well.

I could not help but think of those families who have suffered such loss in the elementary school in New Town, Connecticut last week.  To have such a thing happen at any time of year would make it no easier to accept or understand, but to have it happen at this time of year has to be even more unbearable for the families who lost a child.  Imagine those presents already bought and wrapped, which will now remain forever unopened.  I pray God’s blessings upon each of those families because it is my belief that only through the comfort from God can these parents and families begin to recover, if ever a full recovery is possible.

As I watched each of the pre-race shows this year, I was always most attentive to the young children being held by their parents in the pits.  Seems so many of the drivers now have kids under the age of six and have those kids right there with them at race time.  I wonder what Christmas is going to be like around Lake Norman in those multi-million dollars mansions?  Somehow, I want to believe that the kids I see in those pre-race shows are in loving homes with loving parents to care for them, as it should be.  That’s the appearance given on TV and I would expect it to be true.  I do want it to be true.

I want to think that love and kindness in this world far exceeds the hate and lack of compassion. I would rather believe that each child on this planet will be loved, fed and cared for by loving parents.  I would rather believe there is no homeless child anywhere.  I would rather believe that no child goes hungry anywhere on earth.  This is the season, after all, where kindness and caring is supposed to prevail.  It is the season of beautiful music, awesome decorations, parties, and good will to all men.

I would like to think that one week from tonight, when Christmas presents have been opened, Christmas dinner enjoyed, and the family is gathered together, that the talk will be of happy things.  I would like to think that everyone will be happy with what gifts they gave and received for Christmas.

I would like to think that the real meaning of CHRISTmas was not lost in all the hoopla of the holiday.  I would like to think that each and every person listening tonight, or who reads this later, thought, at least once, of what it would mean if the spirit of Christmas could live within each of us throughout the year.

I would like to think that next week the racing world will set aside the competitive nature of the sport to sing the carols we all know so well.  I would like to think the Christmas lights that are surely twinkling all around Lake Norman will brighten the lives of all who see them.  Surely that glow will sparkle in the eyes of all the kids who see them.

During this time of year, Ann and I watch The Hallmark Channel almost every night for those Christmas Movies that channel shows from Thanksgiving through Christmas.  There are really some very touching movies on that channel.  Because it’s Hallmark, all the movies have happy endings.  It is surprising that with 5 minutes left in the movie, all looks so hopeless but in those last five minutes everything comes together and the happy ending prevails.  More than one of those movies left a lump in my throat.

We also watch several Christmas movies I have on DVD, the old standards; “White Christmas” “Miracle on 34th Street”, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, “A Christmas Carol” (several different versions) and many others I have on hand.  One thing that is almost a given in a Christmas movie is an ending with snow falling.  Think about that.  Think about the movies I’ve just named.  Somewhere, in the last few minutes of those movies, and most other Christmas themed movies, snow is falling.  Is Christmas so involved with snow that the movies must include it?  After giving that some thought, I sort of think maybe it is that way.  Let me explain.

In all the movies and songs that reference snow, it is a pleasant event, notwithstanding those in the northern climes who must shovel the walks and driveways.  I believe it is so associated with Christmas because in all the scenes I see, when the snow is falling, it falls quietly and transforms a bleak winter world into a beautiful canvas of pure white.  It is soft, it is silent, and until it is disturbed by man, it is a beautiful sight to behold.  Sort of like Christmas, huh?

A small Baby came into the world in a stable, placed in a manger, quietly, yet transformed the world by His very life.  What that Baby brought to Mankind was as beautiful as any fresh fallen snow on any scene.  Whatever mankind may try to do to disrupt the legacy of that Child is futile.  That Child is the Prince of Peace. The Government shall rest upon His shoulders.  Let us never forget that.

I know many of you are asking yourselves what this Legendtorial has to do with racing.  Frankly, nothing more than racing is made up of men and women who, for the most part, remember the true reason for Christmas and, as Ebenezer Scrooge did AFTER the visit from the Three Spirits “keeps Christmas in his heart all year”.

Last week, at Stocks for Tots, Jeff and I discussed my singing on tonight’s show.  That was my intention and I had prepared to sing “O Holy Night”.  However, I have a bit of congestion and throat problem, which prohibit me from hitting the notes necessary to do justice to that beautiful piece of music.  I will, instead, leave you with this:

“And there were, in the same country, shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flocks by night, when suddenly there appeared before them, an Angel of the Lord.   The glory of the Lord shone round about them and they were sore afraid.  The Angel said unto them “Fear not, for behold I bring you glad tidings of great joy.  For unto you is born this day, in the City of David, a Savior which is Christ the Lord.  You will find the Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger”.  Suddenly, the Angel was joined by a multitude of Angels praising God and saying, “Peace on Earth, good will to men”.

When the Angels were gone, the shepherds said, one to another,” let us go into Bethlehem and see this wonderful thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us”.

That, my friends, is certainly the holiest of nights in history.  As you spend this week leading up to Christmas, remember that first gift of Christmas. When everything has settled next Tuesday and it’s the time you would usually be joining us here, join your hearts in remembering why Christmas Day is celebrated in the first place.

This is our last show of this year, as both Christmas and New Years fall on Tuesday.  So, from Ann and me, Merry Christmas to you all and our best wishes for a most wonderful 2013.

Now,  as Tiny Tim would say, “God bless us, everyone”!


God Bless Us Every One

Email:  legendtim83@yahoo.com

Twitter: @legendtim83

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(Editor’s note: Tim Leeming is a member of the regular cast of the Tuesday evening racing show ” Racing Through History”, presented on Zeus Radio Network by RacersReunion®. Archives can be found by following the link. Live broadcasts can be heard from 7:00-9:00 PM every Tuesday. Please feel free to join us in the RacersReunion® Chat Room for the show.)

holly sprig bow

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