Pomp and Circumstance
Friday June 14 2013, 12:55 PM

I can remember my high school graduation quite well to the point of actually getting the diploma and flipping up the top to make sure it was MY name on the document rather than someone else. Guess I didn’t trust the Principal to keep all those diplomas in order. I don’t really recall who the Valedictorian was or what he or she said, but I have attended enough graduations, High School and College, to almost guarantee you it had something to do with the difficult journey we were completing that night and all the promises the future would hold. Granted, the future in 1964 was uncertain with Viet Nam going on and all the unrest after the assassination of the President in November of my Senior Year. Times were certainly different in many ways than today, but the same uncertainty of the future for graduates still exists even today. But, as someone said last week, finishing High School is the “easy part of life”. What the future holds for anyone is subject to what that person wants to achieve, what that person dreams. And how much dedication he or she gives to that dream.

Dave Fulton presented a Forum post this past week entitled “ Torch Is Passed” referencing the win in the Camping World Truck Series by young Jeb Burton as well as the ARCA win by young Chase Elliott. When Dave wrote the post, young Trevor Bayne had not yet won the Nationwide race but the inference is there now as to yet another youngster coming to the front this past weekend. Reminds me of a quote, borrowing liberally here now, from the assassinated President’s Speech on a cold January day in 1961 “let the word go forth, from this time and place, that the torch has been passed” and instead of saying “to a new generation of Americans”, I will substitute “to a new generation of race drivers”. Whether or not it is too early to make that statement, I cannot say at this writing, but I do know with young ones like Bayne, Burton, Elliott, and the likes of Kyle Larson, Austin Dillon, and Ryan Blaney, the torch is certainly in hands to be passed.

Remember the November day in 1992 when The King was hanging up his helmet and the word at the end of the day had something to do with the passing of the torch to a young rookie named Jeff Gordon? Jeff grabbed that torch and ran with it and is now an icon in the sport who has left a lasting impression on all involved in the sport. Are we at that stage here with the new ones? I think we are at the threshold for sure.

Let’s examine the Camping World Truck race. It came down to a battle royal between Jeb Burton and Ty Dillon. Both drivers showed experience far beyond what I would have expected in those final five laps. Dillon said afterwards that he only needed one more turn, one more straightaway and he would have gotten by Burton. I’m not so certain that is true, but I know Burton would have battled him to the point where “rubbing is racing” and they would have surely rubbed if Dillon could have gotten up to him.

I think seeing Ward Burton again made the evening of watching the race very worthwhile for me. I was a fan of Ward when he raced and I enjoyed watching him run Darlington, especially. It was a great race when he won the Daytona 500. I’ve never figure out, in my mind, why Ward just disappeared from the scene. When I saw him on television Friday night, I was impressed to see he had aged so gracefully and appeared much more the grand ambassador of the sport than most anyone I’ve seen lately. It was simply great to see him celebrate with his son. I have been impressed watching Jeb this year and while I was sure he would win one before the end of the year, I did not expect the win would come in such a dramatic fashion. Can’t wait to see where he goes from here.

I did not get to see the ARCA race, but I did catch the clips posted on line. I think we all knew, especially Cody, that Chase was going to win and win big before this season was over, and coming at Pocono in ARCA was just the icing on the cake. Seeing Bill Elliott there with him, another elder statesman of the sport, once again reminded me that I have aged with this sport, although not as gracefully. I sat here earlier today before writing this wondering just how impressive young Chase’s future will be. I think we have seen only the smallest tip of the iceberg from that young man. Bill can be proud for sure.

And Trevor Bayne winning the Nationwide race! Wow, and his brand new bride there with him on an Iowa Honeymoon for racing. Of course Trevor has already won the Daytona 500 but I’m sure each and every victory in any division is special to him and that one certainly will be a part of the wedding album for the future family of Ashton and Trevor. I was watching Saturday night when the rainout was being telecast and I heard the interview with Trevor when he was asked whether the Daytona 500 win or the Tuesday wedding was the most special. His answer showed what kind of guy he truly is and he is the kind of man any kid could pattern themselves after with pride. Trevor said “The Daytona 500 was a one day special deal but his marriage is a lifetime deal and that is really special” although that may not be the exact quote. We really need to give Ashton a special round of applause for spending her honeymoon at a wet racetrack

One thing special about all the truck race and the Nationwide race. Neither had any of the Cup drivers involved. Did that give these youngsters an advantage? Maybe. But I would guess the outcome of either race would have been the same even with Kyle Busch in the field. Ok, that may be a little overstatement, but I think we are seeing a new generation of race drivers coming along. For the first time in a very long time, I am seeing kids coming through the ranks that I think are really going to be good for the sport. Not that I’m slamming any of the current drivers, but it is just refreshing to see young, smiling faces winning races. And you know what is also so good? Seeing the old smiling faces of Ward Burton and Bill Elliott still a part of the sport. Ward and Bill didn’t actually pioneer the sport, but both are important parts of the growth of NASCAR in the 80s and 90s.

Oh, and so as not to forget the race Sunday from Pocono, I will mention that Jimmie Johnson won for the third time this season and for the 63rd time in his career. His drive was impressive for sure as he controlled the race from the beginning. Surely there are many who are really angry that he won again, but that’s the way it goes. Jimmie is just good and he has a good team behind him. I suspect he is well on his way to a sixth championship this year as he has already won three times and he usually saves those domination races for the The Chase.

Overall, I thought Pocono was extremely boring for the most part. Not so much because of Jimmie’s domination, it just didn’t do much for me. I didn’t get to see my favorite sight of smoking Toyotas but then they really didn’t run all that well did they? Having detuned the engines, so I’m told, in favor of durability, even Kyle Busch had problems moving up although he did manage a great finish. Dale, Jr. also had a good run so things are looking up for him as they head for Michigan this weekend. Michigan, in case you’ve forgotten, is the site of his last win in 2012.

So, I guess I’m happy with the truck race, the ARCA race and the Nationwide Race. Three out of four isn’t bad. But I think NASCAR should take a good look at the races that did NOT include the Cup drivers and the thrilling action that occurred in those races. Maybe we, the fans, should start a campaign to let NASCAR know we don’t need Kyle Busch and Matt Kenseth and others in the Truck and Nationwide races to make them good. Maybe it is time we end this Legendtorial with another Presidential quote, modified to fit my needs. I will say “Ask not what NASCAR can do for you, ask what you can do for NASCAR”. I think what we can do is tell NASCAR we aren’t really 100% happy with the Gen-6 cars although they are an improvement over what we’ve had the past few years. There has to be a way to make those Gen-6 cars race like the trucks race!!!! NASCAR, listen to the fans who built you. We care and we want the magic of Camelot back in the sport.

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