Legendtorial - I Need to Say This
Wednesday February 19 2014, 8:42 AM

I Need to Say This

Legendtorial for February 18, 3014


LegendI did a little research back through my computer and, as far as I can determine from the files I have saved there, I actually delivered the first Legendtorial on December 7, 2010.  A couple of weeks ago Shan told me that I had written over 87,000 words in just Legendtorials for the year of 2013.  Just as Jeff likes to remind me, I do get "wordy" at times.

These Legendtorials came about, as I recall, because I was a part of the show and had been doing "Meet a Member" segments, where I would arrange to have a different member on air with us to be interviewed each week.  After awhile, we ran out of members willing to be interviewed.  Jeff suggested, and I am relying on my memory here, that I give an "editorial opinion" every week as I was such an opinionated old man.  Actually Jeff used another word but I'm not comfortable repeating that here. I came up with the name "Legendtorial" and that stuck.

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