Tradition Attrition
Monday April 14 2014, 3:37 PM

Tradition Attrition

Legendtorial for April 8, 2014

Tim LeemingI  can remember long ago, before NASCAR had been around long enough to have really establised its own "tradition" or "traditions", the Big Bill publicist often used that word to give the feeling of "family" to the sport.  In reality, it was somewhat like a family, sometimes dysfunctional but still a family, of racers, mechanics, officials and fans.  I have oft repeated the camaraderie among most all involved in the sport in the early days.  For my purposes, the definition of the "early days" runs through the late 70s.  Not sure exactly why that cutoff date, but having been around the sport since the 50s, it was in the late 70s when I perceived the first real change in attitude in the sport.

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