50 Years of NASCAR Racing ~ Post 24 By Matt McLaughlin Editor's note: This article is part of a special reprise of Matt McLaughlin's "50 Years of NASCAR Racing", written and published  in 1998 in commemoration of NASCAR 's 50th Anniversary...
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Monday November 19 2012, 1:45 PM Authors
**Editor's note: It is no accident that the author and this Saturday Night Hero bear the same surname. Our own Tim Leeming is the unnamed big brother throughout this story. Listen closely and you can hear the love big brother has for his little...
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Monday November 19 2012, 10:23 AM Authors
Drag Racing Articles We are enlisting writers to contribute to this area of commentary and will be posting our first drag racing article very soon.
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by: PattyKay Lilley Good day gentle readers, and welcome to RacersReunion, a site we know for a fact is read by folks that matter.  Welcome also to our assigned reader today. If you've never drawn us on Friday, then you are in for a...
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50 Years of NASCAR Racing ~Post 23 By Matt McLaughlin Editor's note: This article is part of a special reprise of Matt McLaughlin's "50 Years of NASCAR Racing", written and published  in 1998 in commemoration of NASCAR 's 50th...
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Thursday November 15 2012, 1:28 PM Commentary
by: PattyKay Lilley Good day gentle readers, and welcome to RacersReunion, a site we know for a fact is read by folks that matter.  Welcome also to the winner of the Daytona Beach straw draw this fine Friday. By drawing the long straw, you...
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Wednesday November 14 2012, 2:11 PM Legendtorials
by: Tim Leeming Comments were made last week, after my Legendtorial, that the new “Kinder and Gentler” Legend was not causing an uproar each week and may soon be out of his job here.  Jeff indicated that a Legendtorial without controversy...
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50 Years of NASCAR Racing ~ Post 22 By Matt McLaughlin Editor's note: This article is part of a special reprise of Matt McLaughlin's "50 Years of NASCAR Racing", written and published  in 1998 in commemoration of NASCAR 's 50th Anniversary...
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by: PattyKay Lilley with Barbara Scott Good day gentle readers, and welcome once again to the pages of RacersReunion. Today, I have something new and different in store for you. Among our almost 10,000 members here, we are fortunate to count...
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50 Years of NASCAR Racing ~ Post 21 By Matt McLaughlin Editor's note: This article is part of a special reprise of Matt McLaughlin's "50 Years of NASCAR Racing", written and published  in 1998 in commemoration of NASCAR 's 50th...
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