Friday June 19 2015, 10:37 AM
I'm suremany of you have heard by now that my sweet, loving and colorful brother, Jimmie, passed away yesterday. We have laughed and cried more in the past 24 hours than imaginable. Everyone has a story to share about "Jarrin Jim". While many...
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This is a true story and the results of doing a good thing is often repaid richly. This is no exception. Back in the 90s I worked as a Support Group Facilitator for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America in Tampa. During my stint as...
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Tuesday June 16 2015, 7:41 PM Legendtorials
Legendtorial for June 16, 2015 Writer's Block This has been one of those weeks when racing really took a back seat to other things going on in my life.  Last week I had the pleasure of teaching music to 74 kids, ages 4 to 12, at our church's...
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Tuesday June 16 2015, 1:53 PM
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[embed] [/embed] I remember riding back on a bus from a wrestling tournament in which I did fairly well beating the number one seed and then getting pinned. lol. Charlie Brown couldn't catch a break either, I...
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I cannot begin to explain the feelings of our favorite drivers dying tragically, too early and way before their time. But for those who die on the track it is anything but unfair. The ones who suffer are those left behind. To fend off the...
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Legendtorial for June 9, 2015 Bring me the Broomstick of the Wicked Witch of the West I don't remember how old I was when I first saw The Wizard of Oz, but I do recall that I was totally enthralled by the movie from the beginning.  I have...
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Monday June 8 2015, 8:30 AM
Death is something we are never really ready for but when I heard about Dalton Myers being dead and him being only 18 years old, I didn't know what to say. When I left Tampa Bay in 2009 that would have made him only 12 years old. So my...
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Tuesday June 2 2015, 9:30 PM
Okay, you are hooked up. The engine package looks great,you have four new tires and a few spares.But whats missing? Fuel? No,got that!How about a good looking wrap? Yeah, but where do I go for a really quality job? Does this even...
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Sunday May 31 2015, 10:00 PM
Air Force as a Meteorologist and Forecaster. My brother and I had went to the Spring Fling at the then paved New Egypt Speedway. I think it was on a date that was celebrating Veterans and that was a pretty exciting evening as...
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