1956 Akron Rubber Bowl racing results

Anne (Piasczik/Paskey) Schmidt
9 years ago
2 posts

My dad, Ed Piasczik (or Paskey), raced at the Akron Rubber Bowl and Barberton Motor Speedway in the summer of 1956. This plaque was recently discovered, but I couldn't find any mention of it in the Akron Beacon Journal. Any ideas?

updated by @anne-piasczik-paskey-schmidt: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
TMC Chase
9 years ago
4,073 posts

A few weeks ago, I found an ad and preview article for a 1953 MARC race at the Akron Rubber Bowl.

I found them in the archives of The Evening Independent of Massillon, OH via newspapers.com. The site requires a subscription, and mine expired at the end of July. I think Dennis Andrews still has a subscription to newspapers.com. Perhaps he can look in that paper around early June 1956 to see if there is any mention of the Akron race you're seeking.

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.

updated by @tmc-chase: 07/24/17 04:18:51PM
Anne (Piasczik/Paskey) Schmidt
9 years ago
2 posts

Thank you very much! I'm sure my dad was probably at that race as a spectator (or maybe pit crew?) and raced against some of those same drivers.

My 7-day free trial to newspapers.com expired yesterday.

While I was looking through the Akron Beacon Journal, the races were not always on the same days of the week nor were the results consistently reported. It was aggrivating!

TMC Chase
9 years ago
4,073 posts

Maybe sign up for ANOTHER 7 day trial with a different email address? As I recall, you have to enter a credit card number with the hope you'll subscribe beginning day 8. I'm not sure if the site matches on an email/user account or the cc number. If the former, you could easily create a new email to try a new 7 day trial.

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.