Need a little help from stock car racing friends

Thomas F. Lutz
9 years ago
12 posts

My family name is "Lutz"

on picture were: Bill Lutz in his 1957 Olds with Ralph Earnhardt and Lee Petty (beside)

Inside my family genealogy tree i have a lot of Lutz those emigrated to US ... p.e. in Geneva, NB, Pekin, IL, San Francisco CA, Atlanta GE, Stone Mountain GE, Boise ID and other places ....

Of course Bill Lutz was from Kentucky - may be another Lutz line, but he was the only driver in NASCAR with my family name ...

In that way .... one of my next plastic model building projects in scale 1/25 will be to built these racing scene:

with four cars in 1960 Daytona race:

60 Ford Starliner #44 Bill Lutz
59 Chevrolet Impala #67 David Pearson
60 Pontiac Catalina #63 Whitey Gerken
59 Chevrolet Impala #76 Larry Frank

Cars can be made from the AMT Starliner, Revell Impala and Trumpeter Bonneville (AMT Promo kit isnt avialable in Europe) or Moebius Ventura kits and decals by aftermarket manufacturing ...

My primary question goes to the body colors of the cars?

I found a picture of the Pearson Impala (same year other sponsor) = this car was red

Anybody knews the colors of the other three cars?

thanx 4your efforts

Thomas F. Lutz


too look for my stock car models collection see followin link:

PS: pardon me for my bad english language

updated by @thomas-f-lutz: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Dave Fulton
9 years ago
9,137 posts

Just this moment watched Wil Lutz from Newnan, Georgia USA kick a field goal for the New Orleans Saints against our Carolina Panthers in an American pro football NFL game here in Charlotte.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"