julio g. marra
16 years ago
6 posts
I & the family want to thank everyone for their coments made on my uncle SONNY;s passing.IT is very helpful at this time for us that was so close to him,we will surely miss him,BUT we also know he is not suffering anymore & he is in GODS hands.I truly believe that he will meet all of his deceased brothers & sisters,his two sons,angel joe& gaeton,also all his relatives,his mother & father of course,but such relatives as Al procopio sr. al procopio jr. raymond procopio, & my own wife betty procopio,along with anthony conte,nicky conte,his brother inlaw joe arcuri ,& of course little albert procopio & many many friends.HE IS IN MUCH BETTER PLACE THANK GOD OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN!!! JULIO & ROSA
updated by @julio-g-marra: 12/05/16 08:51:01AM