3000 DOVER DRAG STRIP PHOTOS rescued and Perserved

Dean ( Dino ) Lawrence
16 years ago
13 posts
Gathered from 21 Private Collections and converted from old 35 mm. negitives, color slides and scanned from actual donated private photo albums.When we started the project to convert all over to a computer viewable CD that could be HOME used and editted ...Little did we imagine the scoop of the Saved Historical images .The data is so large , we resorted to a DVD to handle it all. Now available at the store page at www.doverdragstrip.com . Rave comments coming in from all over the counrty. Covering Dover from 1961 through the 70's ...the cars are Amazing . All the legends Too ,that Appeared at Dover...Garlits ,Ivo, Kalitta,Flynn, Leal, Arfons, Sox, Gasser Greats, Funny's, Fuelers .
updated by @dean-dino-lawrence: 12/05/16 08:51:01AM