It’s Frantic Ford Funny Car time for 2010

15 years ago
10 posts
The long awaited debut of the Frantic Ford AA/Fuel Coupe Nostalgia Funny Car is right around the corner. Car should be ready for active competition up and down the eastern seaboard thiscoming May-June 2010.

The team of Freddy Frey, Bob Rosetty, Bobby Frey& "Big Al" Liebmann are set to bring you a "Blast from the Past" with thereturn of the legendary Frantic Ford AA/Funny Car.

Current plans call forTeam Frantic to be appearing at tracks primarily on the East Coast with possibledates in the Midwest if additional funding becomes available.

The newMustang II will carry the same paint scheme that took the Frantic Ford to manyvictories back in the mid 1970's with the late, great Dodger Glenn at thecontrols. Paint on the new car will be applied once again by the legendary BobGerdes of Circus Custom Paint. Lettering on the car will be handled by thetalented brush strokes of Glen, another renowned east coast legend.

Lookfor a feature story on the "History of the Frantic Ford" in the next issue ofDrag Racer Magazine (special thanks to Randy Fish (editor) and Tom "theMongoo$e" McEwen)

Check out what's new with the Frantic Ford @

The recreation of the Frantic Ford is dedicated tothe memory of the late Paul R.(Dodger) Glenn

updated by @nitrofc: 12/05/16 08:51:04AM