Morehead City track

6 years ago
29 posts

I was going threw the tack list or North Carolina working on my location database. I was looking for the 1/2 mile dirt oval listed as Morehead City and came across this on a Feb. 1957 aerial. It measures out @ 1/3 mile and was located on the northside of Country Club Road, between W/E Hedrick Drives and Oxford Court, 1/2 mile west of the Country Club golf course. I did a newspaper search and only found stuff for the greyhound course called Carolina Race Track on US 70. Does anyone have any info on this mystery track? 

Like my Daddy always said, "If ya gonna be dumb, Ya gotta be TOUGH!"
Jack Walker
6 years ago
162 posts

The best I can tell the Morehead City Speedway opened on June 19, 1955. The winner the first week was Billy Myers. They raced every Sunday to August 7th. There was only a total of 7, or 8 weekly races. Winners were Billy Myers (2 times), Bill Cooper (3 times), Emmett Hare, and Fireball Roberts 1 time each. I haven't been able to find a winner on July 31st which may have been rained out. Hurricane Connie came thru on August 12, and may have destroyed the track. I can find no information on the track after August 7th, 1955. If anyone has information on this track please post it.

updated by @jack-walker: 07/19/19 11:57:55AM
Dave Fulton
6 years ago
9,138 posts

Happy belated birthday Jack!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 01/18/20 05:20:38AM
6 years ago
2 posts

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