Who Won the 1959 Daytona 500?

Cody Dinsmore
14 years ago
589 posts

Yes I know...Lee Petty. BUT...while I was just browsing on the hot rod club I belong to, under the historic stock car section, there was a picture of the famous finish and a gentleman saying this...

"Wanna know the funny thing about that pic? My Granddad swore until his dying day that Johnny won that race, and that Lee was actually a lap behind at the finish. Now, Granddad was there - he drove Bob Potter's '59 Chevy in the 100 Mile Grand National qualifier - but I always took that with a grain of salt.

About ten years ago, I was working on a historical article and I interviewed some old NASCAR racers, including Joe Lee Johnson. I told Joe Lee that my Granddad had always said that Johnny won the '59 500, and Joe said, "That's because he did. Lee was a lap down, and he and Weatherly were racing for position, not him and Johnny. If Johnny hadn't been from Iowa, he'd have won the race."

I have since talked to a couple of other old-time drivers who were there and said the same thing..."

So...I know this fella is just probably telling a story..but what is your honest opinion of it?


updated by @cody-dinsmore: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM