Racing Photos

Rollin Ross
14 years ago
4 posts
I have been viewing the racing photos that are available in the all racing file. I started on page one and have viewed all in consecutive order through page 1389 so far. It seems everytime I log on to view that page #1 is allways different and I wonder if I am just spinning my wheels trying to view every page. Please advise, thanks, Rollin Ross
updated by @rollin-ross: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Steve Struve
14 years ago
47 posts
In my short time here, I have gone through the pages one at a time also - TWICE - from newest to oldest. (It does take awhile to do so !) The really interesting thing is that the second time around, I swear there are picturesincluded that were not there when I originally went through them the first time. I know that isn't true - the second look at anything always reveals additional details to our brains. Now, I've been just filling in a random page number occasionally - like 596, or 38, or 1202 ! It's amazing what you will find here - just enjoy it, and feel free to contribute any photos you may have. It wouldn't surprise me if we don't end up with 100,000 or more photos eventually ! Steve