Well it seems as the little guys that seem to filtrate Kyle Busches car and make it do weird things will be on vacation for the rest of the year but ------------------------ NEVER fear,they will be back next year in their vibrant colors.
But wait now we have to worry about the batteries holding up-----some have said they were taking their interstate batteries out of their lawn mowers,golf carts and even his trusty trucks which carry him to and from the area around state street.
Does this mean push start for some of you??? How about that puppy food or cat food you feed your best friend---(on 4 legs)------ !!!
All the fussing that has gone on has put a ton of reading material out and almost everyone has the word " M A R S" inc in them. Advertisement galore for the cute little candies that tie up Kyle and steal his ride---dont suppose they were actually driving fri nite do you......
OK now the battery will be tested the next two races----can it go to the front ?? can it live that long?? They got battery powered cars now on the drag strip that would give Wally a fit in the quarter.
So with the critters supposedly gone on vacation and the proper batteries in place can the lil ole #18 go to the front? without bumping anyone? without being bumped? with no penalty flag being waved?? No need for tandom drafting so no begging for a partner, just drive that car and let the cool wind blow.
Now Ladies and gentlemen you are free to unbuckle your seatbelts and roam around while you ponder your thoughts or maybe just throw your hands up and say--------------------------------------------------------------------------WE are waiting!!!
updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM