Shhhhhhhhhhhhh .... be careful what you say, where you say it and who you say it to. NASCAR has finally confirmed what we've suspected and alluded to for years. It IS in the "SPY" business and will have a new "Spy Center" on line in Charlotte for testing by October.
They will not call the new Spy Center the NASCAR Intelligence Agency , since that would be an all too obvious oxymoron! Instead, the official name will be something only a NASCAR executive could love... the NASCAR Fan and Media Engagement Center . Kinda sounds like a wedding planning agency for race fans and press!!
They will "monitor & analyze."
We can only hope that as the new NASCAR spy staff goes about its business that they are not confused by such folk as Reverend Stagger if they happen to tune in to a live Goat Rodeo broadcast on Tuesday night. Of course, if they do tune in, they can catch the live edition of "The Legendtorial" rather than having to wait for it to be posted for reading by the NASCAR sleuths.
I am thinking that perhaps Jeff might recruit NASCAR Hall of Fame staffer, Buz McKim as a "double agent" and plant some false rumors that will have the NASCAR cloak & dagger crew chasing phantoms. Kinda like in WWII when the U.S. Navy sent out those false messages after Pearl Harbor that there were problems with the fresh water condenser on Midway Island to trick the Japanese into revealing Midway as an attack target.
Oh, well, wonder if they are "watching" this morning?
By Ron Green Jr.
The Charlotte Observer
Friday, Jun. 22, 2012
NASCAR is developing a Fan and Media Engagement Center that will be based in Charlotte and will allow the sport to bring together traditional, digital and social media in one place. Working with HP Enterprise Services, the project is expected to be tested in October and get a full roll-out in time for the 2013 Sprint Cup season.
The goal is to provide NASCAR the ability to monitor and analyze media across a variety of platforms and respond more rapidly, connecting media, fans and sponsors with the sport.
Read more here:
"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
updated by @dave-fulton: 03/10/17 08:39:15AM