I know its not on the track racing but it does have a bearing on Nascar
A new person wants to be the next brand Ambassador -- 50 cent and Swan Racing owner Brandon Davis met at the teams dinner Friday nite in Daytona.
When we have a sport big enough for someone like 50 cent to take knowledge of what we have here and what we have to showcase,it says a lot for our sport.
At the end of the meeting Whitt claims he is here for the sport (Nascar) and what he thinks is best for the sport. Attracting these kind of sponsors such as SMS Audio,Speed Stick Gear on our car is the kind of stuff that can make this industry go to the next level.. I can see where he is coming from but is this the correct approach to step the sport into the next level? Who will eventually win with this type of association? Or will one or all collapse due to the exerted exposure .
I like some of all music but not some of the speedstick gear ---what do you think?
updated by @johnny-mallonee: 03/10/17 10:57:07AM