Bruton Not Charlotte's Only Emperor with No Clothes

Dave Fulton
11 years ago
9,137 posts

This morning's Charlotte Observer editorial page carried an interesting guest column from a local radio commentator contrasting Bruton Smith's crude attempts to get taxpayer funding for Charlotte Motor Speedway versus the smooth manner in which local NFL team owner Jerry Richardson has secured taxpayer funding for his Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte.

The columnist concludes that the taxpayers have been flogged by the smooth talking "uptown" brigade and Bruton just wanting his share is doing nothing the politically correct set hasn't already done.

Bruton not Charlottes only emperor with no clothes
By Keith Larson
Special to the Observer
Posted: Wednesday, May. 07, 2014

Thank God for Bruton Smith.

The owner of Charlotte Motor Speedway is always looking out for Number One. Whether you respect or revile him for that, this impish bully in a china shop has an uncanny ability at times to pull back the curtain from the usually well-choreographed puppet show that is Crony Capitalism in Charlotte. Classic case in point: one week ago.

The Emperor of Brutonia had summoned Gov. Pat McCrory to the speedway for the stated purpose of declaring May Motorsports Month. As always, the crafty Mr. Smith had something else in mind.

Now that Ive got you here, Bruton said wryly, winding up for his pitch, we only want to spend $100 million, OK? Downtown Charlotte is spending $88 million on something that was built a few years ago. I built this place in 1960. That was a while back.

Smith was hinting vaguely at capital improvements and not-so-vaguely at public funding. McCrory can demur with the deftness of Ronald Reagan. Bruton pressed on.

Do you want me to come and see you and talk to you, or do you want to do it right here?

I just came back from the prayer group breakfast, McCrory deflected, forcing a smile to camouflage his reflexive seething. Why dont we do it later.

There would be no later. Later wouldnt be needed.

Anyone present, or who saw the scene as captured by WBTV, knew precisely to what Smith referred: the $88.7 million Charlotte is shelling out to spiff up another sports moguls digs Jerry Richardsons Bank of America Stadium. Wheres mine, Bruton was asking, not so shyly.

McCrory said no to Richardsons request for state money and hell decline Smiths, too, which Bruton knows full well. Thats why there were no discreet meetings over funding for the speedway like there were for the stadium; no setting the table as for the Panthers. But Smith wasnt really out for money this time, knowing it wouldnt come. He was out to put McCrory on the spot and himself in the spotlight in that trademark Bruton Smith Way. Yet, while serving his own egotistical interests, Smith was also serving a public interest well, even if secondarily.

Charlottes Uptown Crowd, most local media, and a lot of fans, treat Mister Richardson as a benevolent tycoon deserving of everlasting homage for his decision to choose Charlotte as the place to reap his rewards as an NFL owner. Bruton Smith is seen as some Big Enos (or Little Enos?) Smokey and the Bandit-type titan. Truth is, theyre both simply businessmen willing to use taxpayer money as their own.

The Emperor of Brutonia stands bare before us, wearing his financial motives nakedly. As he does, he shouts loudly that the other, more refined Emperors of Uptown are equally without clothes when it comes to flogging taxpayers.

Keith Larson is the mid-morning host on WBT-AM (1110).

Read more here:

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM
bill mcpeek
11 years ago
820 posts

Mr. Larson writes a very good, informative article....No matter how you dress it up, A weasel is still a weasel.....