A Discussion over Mustang and Camero

Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts
Seems as though Ford wants Chevrolet to get on the stick with Camero------B U T, GM says they dont want to cut the camero up to fit the template. They want to keep the shape the car has, Makes sense doesnt it.Now Ford is wanting the Mustang in Sprint Cup because it has been said that the Fusion is not their Super Car, Mustang is. If Ford wins on Sunday with a Fusion nobody pays much attention on Monday--but--if Mustang wins on Sunday there is excitement on Monday at the dealerships.(sound familar?)So to get Camero out there it looks like they gonna have to slack up on that template.That way the body will fit and GM will be happy,the fans will be happy and Ford will too. Oh yeah wont that allow Chrysler to ease the Challenger back on the track too??So it boils down to wiil they?? Should they?? Can they?? you answer these and maybe good ole Brain will say "awww heck what have we got to loose ,go for it"--- What you say???????
updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM