Five spots, 12 drivers, and 10 races to decide it all

Johnny Mallonee
14 years ago
3,259 posts

Do you have you pick of who is going to make the chase?

This year its not clear cut as to who is going to perform well enough to clinch or even have a hope of locking in.

Twelve drivers will make it in----BUT--- actually there are fewer that that available,no one is as they say locked in yet.

I think tonites race is the start of the "Race to the Chase"

If im right there are only five spots are open and seven are kinda riding along just waiting to be acknowldged.

There are new names in place that havent been this clear before this early .

And then you have a group thats riding along wanting to be in but havent actually made it yet.

How about the one's that have at least one win, they have a shot at the wild card spot.

And then you have those wild horses back there biting at the bits wanting recognition.

Now who or whats your pick--this should be very interesting as to the list everyone makes. You could maybe be an odds maker yet

updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM