Pennsylvania Drag Strips

Steve Reasbeck
16 years ago
10 posts
Here's a couple of shots that will make your blood run cold.NuBees Drag Strip in New Bethlehem, Pa., has been closed for many, many years......I can't believe some of us were that brave to race on places like that.Check out the state of the art guard rails.
updated by @steve-reasbeck: 12/05/16 08:50:59AM
Jack Thomas
16 years ago
14 posts
Guard rails were better than the snow fence used at Fort-Fort Airport drags.
Buzz Gawne
16 years ago
1 posts
Hi Steve,I did race there 1 time. The first time we had gone through eliminattions to 2 cars remaining for the money and the sky open up with rain. We had traveled up from Pittsburgh about 70 mile of hills and turn. We went to the manager and he was very kind and said we could come back next week a get in for free. He would not even consider splitting the money. I was livid and that was my first and last visit to NeBee. The pictures brought back memories thanks Steve.Regards,Buzz Gawne
Fred "Wyatt Earp" Babcock
16 years ago
8 posts
looks like your typical outlaw drag strip. seen many of them in va.