Rebirth of the AHRA

Walt Mentzer
16 years ago
1 posts
Tell me more about your post on AHRA rebirth. I would asume you are speaking of Jim Tice's profit making one, and not the original Non-Profit one that I am still Pres. of.
Rick "Pappy" Stief
16 years ago
12 posts
Just passing along information Walt. Click on the link
Jim Kalb
16 years ago
11 posts
Maybe it will Make n.h.r.a smartenup if it does work out.????
Jon W. Lundberg, Sr.
16 years ago
23 posts
UPDATE:Rumor has it that Jim Tice, Jr. and one of the younger Moe's have joined the reborn AHRA's management group.
16 years ago
2 posts
I think it is the read deal...I expect some sort of tie-in with the adrl.
Gale Frank
16 years ago
1 posts
It appears Morris Calkins is in that group also.Gale Jon W. Lundberg, Sr. said:

Rumor has it that Jim Tice, Jr. and one of the younger Moe's have joined the reborn AHRA's management group.
16 years ago
2 posts
I have talked with Rod , the new owner, and he said he is sworn to secrecy...but a national press release is due out soon...this could be huge....25 years later!!!!
Norman hechtkoff
15 years ago
1 posts
I have had dealings with Rod. He is no good and the whole deal is another black mark on drag racing. It is fraudulent promotions like this that makes it impossible for racers to get real sponsorship.Think backADRAMiami New YearsUnion Grove debacleAll of the "done deal" new tracks that were pipe dreams.This new AHRA has already had a history of bad promotions and bad checks. They are on their way into the toilet.There are legitimate alternatives to NHRA. AHRA is not one of them. Any believers, tell me about it in July 2011.