All forms of racing have had their share of colorful characters who could tell colorful stories. One of the best I (semi) remember used to be told by former Winston Cup director Dick Beaty in the presence of Buck Brigance, both now deceased. Dick had become comp director after being an inspector and working as the assistant mgr at the Charlotte airport. Never met a nicer or fairer man. When I met him, Buck was working at Charlotte's Radiator Specialty Co. and would be around the cars of Buddy Baker. Some of you may have known Buck's daughter, Darlene, who used to work for Bruton & Humpy in the CMS marketing department and was in charge of Speedway Club sales before starting a marketing agency. Dick and Buck had both raced some stock cars, but in their heyday, they both raced motorcycles. From what I read and heard, Buck was a real character and hard racer, as was Dick. According to Dick, the two of them had raced motorcycles at the old Richmond Atlantic Rural Exposition Strawberry Hill 1/2- dirt track, site of today's Richmond International Raceway. They were returning from Richmond on U.S. 1 Highwayand at the Route U.S. 58 at South Hill, VA intersection t-boned another vehicle driven by two nurses from Raleigh's Rex Hospital. Accounts say they were driving a woodie - maybe yes or no. Anyway, they were both thrown from the vehicle into a pile of kindling. The highlightof the story was always told by Dick. He'd say, Buck hollared, "Dick, help me find my glasses." Dick answered, "Buck, help me find my nose!" It had been sheared off. Accounts differ as to whether it was at Richmond's Medical College of Virginia or Raleigh's Rex Hospital that Dick Beaty's nose was re-attached. Anyway, Buck Brigance always told him it looked crooked to him!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
updated by @dave-fulton: 05/19/21 09:57:45PM