A True Goat Rodeo Happened at Darlington in 1960

Cody Dinsmore
13 years ago
589 posts

As I was browsing on youtube today, I found this short clip of Johnny Allen going through the guardrail and crashing into the scoring tower!!! However, nobody was injured, but they (Darlington) probably had to buy them all some new pants!!

Can you imagine the scorer for Johnny Allen trying to find his car on the track then all of a sudden, the stands your in crashes, you look down and it's your car?? lol


updated by @cody-dinsmore: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

That was indeed a scary moment... Darlington had more than its fair share of incidents with the "towers' such as this and the 1966 Earl Balmer Southern 500 incident with the old open air press box.

BTW, Pkl, Cody's link works ok for me, but he might have changed it.

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