December 18th racing history

TMC Chase
12 years ago
4,073 posts

1968 - Roy Tyner announces he'd be sponsored by Pepsi Cola for the 1969 season. Even with the increased financial support, Tyner still struggled in 1969. He only raced in 21 of 54 events, DNQ'd in Atlanta's 2nd race, notched only 1 top 10, and 13 DNFs. FromĀ  Spartanburg Herald (p. 20)

Tyner's Pontiac at Bristol in 1969 - From Ray Lamm collection

Tyner's Pepsi Pontiac also made the cover of Stock Car Racing magazine's August 1969 issue. From Russ Thompson's collection of SCR covers.

1971 - Charlie Glotzbach and Cotton Owens announce they'd partner to run the 1972 season in Dodge Chargers. The partnership looked promising out of the gate as the #6 Dodge finished 2nd to A.J. Foyt in the Daytona 500. From there, however, the season seemingly dissolved. The pair raced a Plymouth in the Virginia 500 at Martinsville and finished 3rd in a Dodge in the World 600 at Charlotte. But Glotzbach also DNQ'd at Ontario in the 4th race of the season. And that was it - three starts.

Glotzbach raced five more times in 1973 before [ returning to a broader part-time schedule in 1974 ] with Junie Donlavey. Cotton fielded cars only twice more - in the 1973 Daytona 500 with Dick Brooks and the 1973 World 600 with Peter Gregg. With Charlie and Cotton teaming up for 1972, the odd man out for the second time in two years was winning upstart Pete Hamilton.

Glotzbach with Cotton's Dodge at Daytona's Speedweeks in February 1972.

1978 - The Spartanburg Herald ran a racing related political editorial cartoon in its December 18th edition . Though clearly racing-related, the message was a bit confusing. I THINK the idea the cartoonist tried to convey was Ted Kennedy as the presumed front runner for the 1980 presidency - or maybe just for the Democratic party. But even with the idea of Kennedy "pacing the field" with racing as the metaphor, I don't get why he'd be driving the pace car vs. a regular race car. Illustration of life of privilege? Or just poor understanding of racing by the cartoonist? Ha.

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.

updated by @tmc-chase: 04/04/17 01:27:16PM
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

The political cartoon above was done by the magnificient Jeff MacNelly during his tenure at the now defunct afternoon Richmond News Leader as Editorial Cartoonist during the tenure of RR member, Randy Hallman as the paper's motorsports writer. By 1978, when the cartoon above appeared in the Spartanburg paper, Jeff was syndicated all over the country. That was also the year at the News Leader that Jeff earned his second Pulitizer. .Jeff won 3 Pulitizers during his too short time - the first at age 24 while at the Richmond News Leader and his third at The Chicago Tribune.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
TMC Chase
12 years ago
4,073 posts

I stared at the lettering at the top of the cartoon several times before posting. I thought it was a syndicated item - but wasn't sure by whom. MacNelly may have been a multiple-time winner of the Pulitzer - but to me it doesn't change my observation that the Ted Kennedy cartoon above doesn't make much sense from a racing perspective. Haha.

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

MacNelly would have been well suited in a role with NASCAR Public Relations. The phrase below oft adorned his syndicated "SHOE" comic strip:

His wife continued the strip after Jeff's death. Here's a couple of strips with NASCAR mentions by her:

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

MacNelly also illustrated humorist Dave Barry' s books and newspaper columns. While looking for a connection, I found a column I thought you might enjoy about Dave Barry taking the Richard Petty Driving Experience ride in 2000:

Dave on speed

 2/18/00; Dave Barry is harnessed into a race car at the Homestead Miami Speedway at the Richard Petty Driving Experience. Barry spent the day learning how to drive and driving at high speeds. <br /
2/18/00; Dave Barry is harnessed into a race car at the Homestead Miami Speedway at the Richard Petty Driving Experience. Barry spent the day learning how to drive and driving at high speeds.

Sunday, February 27, 2000

When I was offered the chance to drive a NASCAR -type race car, I expected it to be fun, but not necessarily the ultimate in motoring excitement. I figured that I had already experienced the ultimate in motoring excitement: driving on I-95 in Miami.

I-95 is no place for the faint of heart. You're out there with people who apparently took Driver's Ed from Saddam Hussein; people who observe the traffic laws to the same degree that Ted Kaczynski observed the postal regulations; people who refuse to allow trivial matters such as steering to interfere with their cellular phone conversations, hair care, nasal hygiene, narcotics ingestion, etc.

And you cannot get away from them, because your path is inevitably being blocked by some elderly or possibly deceased retirees on their way to the Blindness Clinic, oozing forward at the speed of rust in their 1974 Chrysler El Humongo. And then comes that awful moment when you glance into your rearview mirror and see, growing rapidly larger as it hurtles toward you, swerving violently from lane to lane like a testosterone-fueled missile with a defective guidance system, the scariest sight of all: the Teenaged Male Death Wish Idiot - a person who cannot grasp the difference between a car and a video game, and thus believes that the worst thing that will happen if he crashes into you is that he'll see a sign saying GAME OVER, PLAY AGAIN?

Oh yes, it's pretty exciting out there. And so, as I say, when the Richard Petty Driving Experience offered me a chance to drive a real race car on a real racetrack, my initial reaction was that, for a veteran Miami driver, it would probably not be a big deal.

I was wrong. I can admit this, now that I have returned home and changed my underwear. It WAS pretty darned exciting, after all. Strap yourself in, get a good grip on your newspaper, and I'll tell you what it was like.


It's 7:30 a.m., and I'm pulling into the grounds of the Homestead-Miami Speedway. This is in South Miami-Dade County, although the complex itself feels more like Alabama, in the sense that everybody seems to have a Southern accent, and the Billy Ray Cyrus hairstyle is still in semi-vogue. To get myself into the right frame of mind, I am eating what I consider to be a NASCAR-style breakfast, consisting of black coffee and a Slim Jim the length of a pool cue.

I check in at the Media Center, where the Richard Petty Driving Experience has set up headquarters during its stay here, Feb. 14-20. The Richard Petty Driving Experience is a slick, well-organized, marketing-savvy operation that runs classes for wannabe racers at various racetracks around the country. The Petty folks will basically take anybody who's 18 and has a driver's license, put him (or her) (although it's usually him) behind the wheel of a Winston-Cup-type race car with a kick-butt engine, and send him out onto a racetrack to see what he's got.

Of course first you have to turn in your paperwork. This consists of a lengthy legal release, which you have to sign and initial in about 300 places, and which basically says that, in legal terminology, you are out of your mind. Right at the top, in bold letters, it offers this happy greeting: "YOU COULD BE SERIOUSLY INJURED OR EVEN KILLED." (Note to Florida Department of Transportation: This would be a good sign to put over the entrances to I-95.)

There are about two dozen paying customers in my class, all of them middle-aged guys. As we wait for the 8 a.m. starting time, we pick Slim Jim strands out of our teeth and watch the Petty staff fire up the cars, which are stripped-down, highly modified Chevrolet Monte Carlos. These cars have no windshield wipers or headlights or turn signals or radios or air conditioning or door handles or mufflers or emission controls or any of that other wussy minivan crap. What these cars have are 358-cubic-inch engines that crank out 600 horsepower and a LOT of noise. These cars make more noise when they're idling than your car would make if the gas tank exploded. These cars want to run.

But before we can drive them, we have to go through an orientation. We're issued blue racing jumpsuits that zip up the front, and then we go into a classroom, where we meet the professional drivers who'll be teaching us, a group of loose, friendly young guys with mandatory Southern accents. They tell us we're going to have fun, then show us a video in which Richard Petty himself, the King of racing, welcomes us to the school and tells us that we should not hesitate to ask questions.

"There is no such thing as a dumb question, " he states.

The only two questions I can think of are:
1. Will I be seriously injured or even killed?
2. Does this jumpsuit make my hips look big?

So I keep my mouth shut. Nobody else has questions, either; these guys didn't come here to sit around a classroom. So we head outside to the pit road, which runs parallel to the straightaway in front of the huge Speedway grandstands. There we gather in smaller groups around the cars to receive our briefing.

My group is briefed by instructor Adam Andretti, a member of the famous Andretti racing family. He explains that the car doors don't open, so we'll have to climb in through the side window. To give us room to get into the seat, the steering wheel comes off the steering post; once we're inside, we reattach it to the post. Adam says it's important to make sure the steering wheel has clicked firmly into place on the post before we drive off. He notes how silly we'd feel if we were going around the track at 130 miles per hour and suddenly found ourselves waving the wheel in the air. We all laugh nervously.

Aside from the wheel, there's not much in the car: bucket seats with aircraft-style safety harnesses; heavy black netting to cover the space where the side windows would be; a big, serious-looking gearshift lever; a few gauges and lights; and a switch for firing up the engine (there's no ignition key). The most unnerving thing is a prominent fire-extinguisher system, with nozzles pointing right at the driver. Adam explains that we should activate this in case we happen to notice that we are burning. He adds, "I'm not saying that every time you go out, the thing's gonna catch on fire." Thanks!

Next our group loads into a van for a tour of the track, conducted by instructor Rick Calkins, who sets us at ease by announcing: "This is my first day! I was delivering pizza last night!"

In fact Calkins seems to be quite experienced, as evidenced by the fact that he pilots the van expertly around the track at a fairly high rate of speed while sitting sideways and looking backward at us students. He shows us the path we should follow: Close to the wall on the straightaway, then decelerating at the start of the curve and swooping down to the infield, then accelerating out of the curve back to the wall for the next straightaway.

There are orange cones at various points to show us where to decelerate and accelerate; there are also little marks on the track to help guide us through the turns. Also, each of us will always be following a car driven by one of the professional drivers, who'll show us where to drive and monitor our speed; we're supposed to try to follow right in his tire tracks, three or four car lengths behind. We're not supposed to get any closer than that, but we're also not supposed to fall too far behind. And we're supposed to remember to breathe and try not to be nervous. We're apparently not supposed to notice that at various points on the track there are large black skid marks leading directly into the wall. I am definitely nervous. In my stomach, I feel my Slim Jim writhing.

For the first maybe three laps, I have virtually no coherent thoughts in my brain, unless you count terror as a thought.

When our tour is over, we gather under a tent next to the pit road and find out the order in which we'll drive our first turns, which will be eight laps each. I'm driver No. 18. This means I have plenty of time to get even more nervous.

The Petty crew has set up a boom box, which blasts out driving-related songs, such as the Beach Boys' 409 ("She's real fine, my 409; my four-speed, dual-quad, posi-traction 409!"). We listen to the music and watch a Petty crew help the first student driver put on his crash helmet and climb into his car. In front of him is a man holding out a STOP sign; behind the man is the instructor-piloted car. The student is strapped in tight and the crew fires up his engine. When a man up on the flagman platform, high over the straightaway, gives the signal that the track is clear, the instructor-driven car roars forward; the sign man flips the STOP over to GO; and the student car, after a stuttering jerk, takes off. In a few seconds, the instructor and student are out on the track, disappearing around the curve, and the crew starts getting the next driver ready.


I'm getting that feeling you get when you've just climbed into the roller coaster, and now it's starting up the incline.... click-click-click.... and you know that a steep, violent, stomach-grabbing drop is ahead, and there's nothing you can do to avoid it. Most of my fellow students are also looking pretty serious. One of them says to me, over the boom box and thundering engine noise, "I still can't believe they take people off the street and just send them out there!"

"Ha ha!" I say.

The first drivers come back, and some more go out.... click-click-click.... and then some more click-click-click.... and some more click-click-click....And now finally I hear my name called. I'm so nervous I can't buckle my helmet. The head crew guy, Chris Troyer, has to do it for me as he gives me my final instructions.

"Stay right on the instructor's bumper on the way out, " he says. "When you're on the track, space it out a little. Don't be nervous."

"How do I not be nervous?" I ask.

"Well, " he says, "the first time I did it, I sang."

Now I'm climbing feet-first into the car, which there is no graceful way to do, and I'm worming myself into the seat, which feels as if it's 10 feet from the windshield. A crew member straps me in tight - VERY tight - and puts the steering wheel on the post. Then, just before he attaches the netting over the window, he flips the ignition switch and VRROOOOOM-BLATTT that mother is loud. The whole car shakes when I touch the gas pedal.

I put the clutch in and shove the big shifter into first, praying that I won't embarrass myself by stalling the car at the start. Then I look ahead at the STOP sign man, waiting, waiting, waiting, and then he flips it to GO and VROOOOOM I'm lurching forward, barely avoiding the stall, and I can see that my instructor's car, which I'm supposed to be right on the bumper of, is already disappearing down the pit road, so I slam it into second VROOOOOM third VROOOOOM fourth VROOOOOM and now I'm out on the track, trying to catch the instructor, and things are happening WAY too fast and OHMIGOD THERE'S THE WALL and I'm still trying to catch up but he's going even faster and I'm trying to stay in his tire tracks but DOES HE KNOW HOW CLOSE WE ARE TO THAT WALL??? And then suddenly an orange cone blurs past and WHOA we're into the turn, slicing down toward the infield and my body is being jerked sideways and I can barely hold the wheel and IT LOOKS LIKE WE'RE GOING INTO THE INFIELD and WHOA now we're accelerating again MAN ARE WE ACCELERATING and I'm fighting the wheel and LOOK OUT FOR THE WALL WE'RE AWFULLY CLOSE TO THE WALL and WHOA is this ANOTHER TURN ALREADY????

For the first maybe three laps, I have virtually no coherent thoughts in my brain, unless you count terror as a thought. All I am trying to do is survive the next few seconds, the problem being that when you're going considerably faster than 100 miles per hour, a great many things happen in a few seconds. But around the fourth lap, for reasons that I cannot explain, I start to think to myself: Hey, maybe I can actually DO this. In fact, I CAN do this. In fact, this is kind of.... FUN!

And right there, accelerating into the grandstand straightaway of the Homestead-Miami Speedway, I begin to sing. Specifically, I sing the Beach Boys' drag-racing classic, Shut Down. "It happened on the strip where the road is wide, " I sing, "two cool shorts standin' side by side." I am bellowing this over the roar of the engine as I blast down the straightaway, stomping on the gas. I can honestly say it is one of the most thrilling moments of my life.


When my eight laps are over, I follow the instructor back into the pit road, stop, unbuckle myself and basically float out of the car on a wave of relief and elation. I exchange stories with my fellow students. We agree that this is a truly wonderful thing, and that we are a bunch of studly automotive hombres.

We then have a halftime break, during which the driving instructors assess our performance and make the following points:

1. We should go faster.
2. We should pick up the speed.
3. We should get out there and STAND on it.

We students cannot believe our good fortune. Here is, a working day, and we're at a racetrack, and these men are letting us drive their race cars, and THEY WANT US TO DRIVE THEM FASTER!

This time I am not nervous about driving. I want to be out there. To pass the time while I'm waiting, I chat with the other students. One of whom is a lawyer, who tells me that he once represented a client who had sued a bar that had let him ride a mechanical bull even though he had consumed numerous alcoholic beverages. The ride did not go well; the client wound up with a medical condition called "diminished penile sensation." This has nothing to do with the Richard Petty Driving Experience. I mention it only to remind everybody of two important points:

1. Alcohol and mechanical bulls do not mix.
2. Diminished Penile Sensation would be a good name for a rock band.

Eventually it's my turn to drive again, and this time I am ready. This time I am stomping on the gas and staying right behind the instructor on the way out; this time I do not fear the wall; this time I am singing on the first lap ("She'll have FUN FUN FUN 'til her daddy takes the T-bird awayyyy.") We do 10 laps, picking up the speed every time; on the last lap, I hit my top speed of the day - of my life, actually - 134.1 miles per hour. I know this because at the end, every student gets a certificate showing his computer-measured top speed. I am more proud of my 134.1-miles-per-hour certificate than I am of my college diploma.

In other words, it was pretty cool. The only problem is that I am no longer satisfied with driving an ordinary civilian car. When I'm on I-95, I find myself wishing I were driving my high-powered Petty machine. THEN I'd like to see some teenaged idiot try to tailgate me! Ha ha! I'd just wave bye-bye, stomp on the accelerator, and VROOOOOM I'd shoot forward like a rocket.

Directly into the rear bumper of a 1974 Chrysler El Humongo.

Read more here:

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
TMC Chase
12 years ago
4,073 posts

Wife loves her some Dave Barry.

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

Extremely ironic that on the exact same date - December 18 - seven years later in 1975, the Petersburg (VA) Progress-Inde x carried the news that the independent #54 Lennie Pond entry fielded by Ronnie Elder would carry Pepsi sponsorship for 1976, funded jointly by the Petersburg, Virginia Pepsi bottler and Pepsi USA, Purchase, New York. Even more ironic that the fellow Lennie beat out for 1973 Rookie of the Year - DW - would ultimately wind up with the big Pepsi corporate sponsorship.

The article below appeared in the December 18, 1975 Petersburg Progress-Index :

Pond Predicting Victory In 1976 Season Running Under Pepsi-Cola Sponsorship
Progress-Index Sports Editor
December 18, 1975
PETERSBURG - Lennie Pond came close, Very close, during the 1975 NASCAR Grand National racing season. So close, in fact, he is predicting his first victory in 1976. Why the optimistic prediction? Pond announced this morning the Pepsi- Cola Company will sponsor his racing team in the coming season. The popular driver was second three times last year and believes the "substancial sponsorship"' will make all the difference in the world. "We couldn't get much closer than we did last year," Pond explained.
"With a company like Pepsi-Cola behind me now, I plan to do even better. I am confident you will see my Pepsi machine in victory circle next year." The Pepsi sponsorship will be a joint adventure between the Pepsi-Cola Bottling . Company of Petersburg and the parent company in New York. Petersburg Pepsi president Norman Sisisky worked out details and offered to join with the national office in backing the stock-car driver.
Sisisky says company representatives are very impressed with Pond's record and believe he has winning potential. Victor A. Bonomo, president of the Pepsi- Cola Company, expects big things from Pond. ' "I expect Lennie to emerge as one of NASCAR's true super-stars," Bonomo said. "We're excited about Lennie and thrilled to be associated with NASCAR Grand National racing -- Just as are all our Pepsi fans."
Pepsi-Cola has been approached by several successful' Grand National racing teams in past years, but is taking its first big step into the racing .program. "I'm just tickled to death a company like Pepsi would.even consider us," Pond's ear owner Ronnie Elder remarked. "We have worked very hard, tried to maintain a positive attitude and I think our efforts are starting to pay off."
Although no figure was released on the total amount of the sponsorship at the press conference,-the amount is believed to be "substantial" and a boos' to the racing team. Master Chevrolet Sales ot Petersburg, Pond's sponsor the past three years, will continue to support Competitive Racing team on a local level. "1 think it is just great we have been selected to carry the Pepsi-Cola colors in Grand National racing," Pond commented. "I know all the fans will realize what it means to me." Pond's race ear will be changed from the gold and yellow color of the past three years to the red, white and blue of the Pepsi-Cola Company.
With Pepsi as a major sponsor, Pond hopes to be added to the NASCAR package deal next season, where drivers agree to compete in every race. The package deal is estimated at $82,000 and Pond says he is one of the drivers being considered. "He's got the competitive spirit and racetrack savvy it takes to run up front con- sistantly," the president of Pepsi-Cola said about his race car driver. Last season Pond moved a notch closer to the lop drivers in the Grand National division and finished in the Top Six in his last five races, including a pair of seconds al Richmond and Bristol. With a shot at the NASCAR deal, Pond is making plans to complete in the Western Winston 500 at Riverside, Calif, on Jan. 18.
"1 would love to race in every event on the schedule," Pond commented. "We would like lo run for the Winston Cup point championship." Pond finished the 1975 season on a successful note, placing third in the final leg of the Winston point standings. . "We are definitely .on the right track," Pond explained. "We have learned a lot in the past three years. With this kind of help, the job will be much easier."
A five-time Virginia Late Model Sportsman champion, Pond's life-time dream has been to be a competitive Grand National stock car driver. The Ettrick native has compiled an impressive record for a litlle independent driver battling against the best in the business. , With 28 finishes in the Top Ten during the past three years, Pond has collected more than $100,000 in track earnings.
"I feel like with any luck at all we will win that much next year in a single season," Pond predicted. "This could open a lot of doors."

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

When the 1976 season got underway, Lennie didn't waste any time complimenting DW on his wardrobe as seen in this Richmond Times-Dispatch photo with the two leaning on the #90 of Richmond car owner Junie Donlavey. That's Pond's Pepsi box truck hauler in the background, alongside the big rigs of STP and Cam2.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"