Question for listerners to the Tuesday Night "Racing Through History"
100% more stories! And not just audio. Capture 'em here in word too. Unsure how the audio archives work.
And to Jeff's point - yes more stories from everyone! Tim has done a great job over the years capturing the facts of a ton of races. I've chimed in where I could with pics and articles - as well as done many write-ups from other races.
But a lot of that stuff can be gleaned from documented, historical records. What really needs to be captured are folks' memories from races.
- Did your dad take you?
- Did your wife or girlfriend ride shotgun?
- Do you have funny camping story?
- Did you go all-in and drop some hard earned cash to have a lavish trip?
- Did you leave your packed clothes at home? (Guilty: Did so just a few years ago. Loaded my cooler with Schaefer in trunk - but forgot my clothes bag.)
- What kept you laughing all weekend or mad as a hornet?
- Did you get to meet a driver, crew member, legend, etc.? Especially at an unexpected location like the hotel pool or local watering hole.
- Did you travel a long distance to a race or basically just go next door?
- For those who worked in racing, how about more stories re: thrashing in the shop, borrowed parts, welding misfortunes!, road side communications with law enforcement, eating on the cheap, etc.
updated by @tmc-chase: 01/18/20 05:20:38AM