Forum Activity for @tmc-chase

TMC Chase
01/21/17 12:54:22PM
4,073 posts

Let Me Know What Problems You're Having Posting

Using The Site

Jeff - I personally am not. But unsure if that's because of a system tweak to eliminate the 1 minute wait. Or if it's because of the different level of access you granted me. Better person to ask is someone like Dennis who is trying to tag pics but may not have the admin level of access.

TMC Chase
01/21/17 11:32:51AM
4,073 posts

Let Me Know What Problems You're Having Posting

Using The Site

Dennis - Re: editing forum posts and comments, notice a little gear icon on the top right of your post. Should allow you to edit things  I think same is true on photo comments. I have additional edit rights Jeff granted my account, but I think that edit feature was there before he changed my access level.


TMC Chase
01/21/17 11:27:08AM
4,073 posts

Let Me Know What Problems You're Having Posting

Using The Site

Dennis - I've learned each tag has to be added individually with 3 words max per tag. On old RR, you could type a string a words separated by commas to create all you wanted. With new RR for example, you enter driver & enter. Then track - enter. Etc.

Having said that, I learned early on that new RR requires ONE MINUTE between entering tags. Not sure if that's been tweaked or not. I'm not spending a minute per tag.

I'm pretty sure you can add tags to anyone's pics. And though you can't edit a tag, you should be able to hover over one to delete it. Then you can a replacement. 
