Tuesday February 28 2017, 7:30 PM Legendtorials
Can't Believe the Change Legendtorial for February 28, 2017 Remember a couple of shows ago when I did the story about my first trip to Daytona in 1962?  Things were different then in so many ways, not only the racing but also the actual trip...
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Tuesday February 14 2017, 6:54 PM Legendtorials
No Love in This Valentine Legendtorial for February 14, 2017 I have been complimenting NASCAR, as far as my ability to compliment the organization, quite a bit since the Press Conference of a few weeks ago in which the new rules for the 2017...
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Sign Posts, High Bridges, and Cocoa Krispies Legendtorial for February 7, 2017 Rod Serling would introduce the Friday Night, 10:00 p.m. episode of "The Twilight Zone" each week from 1959 through 1964, including the line "there's a sign post up...
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Tuesday January 31 2017, 7:15 PM Legendtorials
Legendtorial for January 31, 2017 Was it truly, only a week ago last night that NASCAR held its famous press conference in which several new rules (and words) were set forth?  Words such as "incentivize" "enhancement" and "segment racing"?  Yep,...
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Tuesday January 10 2017, 7:06 PM Legendtorials
Baby Its Cold Outside Legendtorial for January 10, 2017 That is the name of a song played usually around Christmas, is it not?  If not so, forgive me for it is not my intention to construe "flirting" with the use of "Baby".  But that song came to...
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Tuesday January 3 2017, 7:30 PM Legendtorials
Legendtorial for January 3, 2017 Although the reference to a thundering dawn has been used many times by many folks, it was probably Rudyard Kipling who made that saying poignant in the last line of his poem "Mandalay".  Indeed, I am guessing...
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Tuesday December 20 2016, 7:45 PM Legendtorials
Legendtorial for December 20, 2016 Yes, this is a racing history radio show.  We all know that.  However, I wanted to pause here, these five days before Christmas, to talk about the spirit of the season, or, perhaps more appropriate the "Ghosts...
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