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BlogDoes anyone know of any West Coast Racing related Websites?Comments LikesJuly 2007 was my 50th consecutive West Coast racing season. I've no idea how many races I've won or lost, lets just say I've lost far more than I've won, though I've won my share. I think the Highlight of my career isracing My Dad Howard Walton...1 Comments LikesHello, I am working with a local restaurant in Monroe, NC. We are renovating the interior dcor using digital images that represent the community and incorporating them into collage murals.I would love to talk to about obtaining images of Starlite...1 Comments LikesI am most interested in Gardena Stadium, Ascot, Portland Speedway, Shasta Speedway, Cottage Grove, Willamette Speedway, Sunset Speedway, Tenino Raceway, Evergreen Speedway, Roseburg Speedway, Skagit, Greys Harbor, Riverside CA. To learn more you...Comments LikesJust want to wish every one a safe and happy holiday season!Comments LikesBobby Lee Isaac, grand son of Bobby Isaac, wants any help finding out info on his grand dad. If you knew Bobby or raced with him, Please contact Bobby Lee on FACEBOOK. He is the one from Newton NCComments LikesWhen we were younger I think we all had our hero's or people we looked up to or idolized for me it was people such as Richard Petty, Tiny Lund, Cale Yarborough, Jr Johnson, Wendell Scott, Big Daddy Don Garlitts, Shirley Muldowney, and Don...3 Comments LikesI'd welcome any supporters of the Stock Car RacerReunion group to check out a new Facebook page we've established. It 's called the National Historic Stock Car Registry and if you go on Facebook and send a friend request you'll become a member...Comments LikesWe are trying to help the Jim Pursglove Family raise $5000.00. A Funeral Fund Campaign has been set up for his family. All donations go directly to the family. Please help spread the word. http://www.funeralfund.com/project/jim-pursgloveComments LikesWell wishes, go out to Peanut Turman, hope his knee surgery was a success and he ison the track to a speedy recovery.1 Comments LikesSelling some vintage racing items on e-bay. 1951and 1952 yearbooks.I have over 1000 items; only putting a few on at a time.Here's the #s for the yearbooks to find me:321225457185321225472031Also, will be posting a Dale Earnhardt Sr. autographed...Comments LikesI need help locating a stock car driver from Fayetteville, NC.He drove during the late 1950's early 1960's. Either his brother or brother in law was a car dealer in Fayetteville. I do not have names, only this basic info. Can anyone out there help...2 Comments Likes
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