Bobby Williamson
06/28/10 05:56:25PM
The Spirit Lives On

There wasoncean (unusually) rough-hewn dirt track in my area.......the Carolina Beach (NC) Speedway. Located on the outskirts of Wilmington, NC, the 'speedway' opened in the summer of 1964 with standing-room-only crowds,its pits overflowing with race cars. CBS survived through the 1966 season, but became a victim of its own success, by spawning several neighboring/competing tracks. CBS led the way, too, in race tracks becoming 'developments' and ispresently the "Cape Golf and Raquet Club". No Rednecks Please.

My dad took me a time or two to Carolina Beach but I was hardly impressed. The "track" was the worst excuse of a racing facility that I had seen in all of my nine years of observing such. The cars left much to be desired, too, but there were a LOT of them. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS to win in 1964got attention.I wasn't impressed then, but 46 years later, I can see the genius of Carolina Beach Speedway: They had TWO rules........"anything with four wheels" AND a $500.00 claimer rule. In other words, bring anything you want, but be prepared to sell your car for $500.00.

So, what's the simplistic Carolina Beach Speedway concept have to do with the Bell & Bell Vintage Modified Series? Simplicity and no purses. Run whatever, the pay-off is the same, from first to last. The series does now have sponsors, and participation funding is the focus. Safety is naturally enforced, but the pitfalls that seemtoalways engulf "real" racing will hopefully be minimized. Fun, fellowship, and old race cars, that's the focus.

Jeff Gilder

For you, DK

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Jeff Gilder

The Ironman's official site

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members to my "JR>NATION-AMPed Up" group!Go Dale Jr!!!
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Paul Bassett

Hendrick Motorsports

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Jeff Gilder

By the seat of your pants poetry

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Dale Dodge Jr

Ole Casey Had a Ford by: Dale's Mom

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Jim Jenkins

Does anyone remember hearing this?

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Jennifer Long

Win Friday may lead to more opportunities to race?

Bodine to return to track tonightBy TOM KREAGER Staff Writer July 18, 2008Post a CommentRecommend Print this page E-mail this articleShare this...
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Rick Mihalik


@Rick Mihalik started 17 years ago - replies: 11
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