STOCK CAR RacersReunion Member Ray Lamm was AWARDED "Miller Lite Racing Personality OF THE WEEK" AWARD.

Dennis  Garrett
14 years ago
560 posts

Enjoyed tonight's "LET'S TALK RACING WITH Joe & Ruth KELLY" radio show with guest host Ray Lamm.
6PM-8PM, Wednesday night, November 30, 2011
WARV 100.3 FM

At end of show, at 7:55PM, STOCK CAR RacersReunion Member Ray Lamm was AWARDED BY "LET'S TALK RACING WITH Joe & Ruth Kelly" the "Miller Lite Racing Personality OF THE WEEK" AWARD.

Dennis Garrett

Richmond, Va.

updated by @dennis-garrett: 08/24/18 11:41:13AM
Robin L. Agner
14 years ago
169 posts

Congratulations Ray!

Johnny Mallonee
14 years ago
3,259 posts

ABOUT TIME he was recognized Ray is a man of his own in our sport ask him and ill bet he has a photo of it

Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

That is awesome!!!!!! Congratulations Ray!!! I am so proud to be included in your friends. I am, aren't I??????

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

14 years ago
622 posts

Congratulations, Raytona!!! :)

Sandeep Banerjee
14 years ago
360 posts

Way to go, Ray!

14 years ago
117 posts

What an honor Ray!Enjoyed talking to you on Joe & Ruth's show.

14 years ago
167 posts

Congratulations, Ray!

Michael W. Smith
14 years ago
109 posts

Congrats Ray! There are many more to come. Your are the Man! W

Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,137 posts

Congratulations Ray! Would have liked to have heard you and LaVerne on Joe & Ruth's show. Joe & Ruth Kelly are the best. I'd love to have Bopper or Jeff have Joe Kelly on Racing Through History one night. He has forgotten more about the early days than most of us will ever know. Joe announced at tracks that many folks have never heard of, promoted Southside Speedway and rode motorcycles at Occoneechee. Richmond, Va. is indeed fortunate to have both Ray Lamm and Joe Kelly there to preserve racing history.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dennis Andrews
14 years ago
835 posts

Congratulations Ray, an honor well deserved.

Cody Dinsmore
14 years ago
589 posts


Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts

Congrats, Ray!!! You da man!

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,137 posts

Woody, sure sorry I didn't hear that. Would love to hear it again and second the motion for Joe to be a regular.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Jim Wilmore
14 years ago
488 posts

You deserve it my friend

Leon Phillips
14 years ago
626 posts

Way to go Raytona Congrats

ray lamm
14 years ago
214 posts

got my award last night from joe andruth kelly

William Horrell
14 years ago
175 posts

That is great. Way to go Ray....Thank you foryour valuable contribution in the preservation of this sports history.

Racing history need to be documentedand you had the foresight and drive to do it...People like youare what built this country and this sport so enjoy this, you are most deserving.