. We don't just tell folks we're going back to our roots.....we're going there. How's that for a tag line?

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

Finally a saying that makes sense of what or better yet where we are heading.

The show Tuesday should start the new revolution into the future,,The future of what some may say, If this is you then maybe you should step behind the line for fear of you being walked on or worse --

What Mr "W" has done in how short a time is just living proof as to what can be accomplished with desire and dedication... How many of you R E A L L Y listen to what Jeff Gilder says, I didnt say hear him but stop and listen!!!

A trip that was taken a short time back by Jeff and Tim to a function proves the point.. Tim spoke to a group of kids using his unique power point means of conversation.. The result is he got through the ice and made listeners out of them.. Ask Tim of this meeting next time you see him..

Now show is started,how many of the R/R followers will ride the wave?? Better yet how many folks will they infect with our desire tp succeed in the sport.

Some of you will say I dont know what Im saying and some will say what did he say??

It goes back to hearing or listening to the information being supplied..

Or maybe you have a tottally different outlook on our future------- Care to share your feelings in print with us???? you might just have something interesting to say...

updated by @johnny-mallonee: 08/07/18 01:04:58PM
Tim Leeming
13 years ago
3,119 posts

That is probably one of the best "tag lines" ever manufactured. I like that. I like it even more because it's true and to the point. Many things have been accomplished by the good folks here at Racers Reunion and I can only see more and more coming about as time moves on. "Good to the Last Drop", "Have you Driven a Ford Lately" and "The Real Thing" were manufactured by Madison Avenue white shirts and ties. This Racers Reunion tag line is manufactured by love of the sport, deep passion for the heritage, and the blood, swear, and tears of many here who have given so much to the cause. I commend all you ladies and gentlemen for those efforts.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts

Now that I think about it...it would be better stated..."We don't claim to be going back to our roots...we never left!"

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Michael W. Smith
13 years ago
109 posts

My dad always told me if it ain't broke don't fix it.Racing never broke, not sure why they took it where it is today. When you see guys like Tony Stewart going back to run small local tracks and having a blast that's what it's all about. Racers build race cars then try to beat the compitition. You win, crash or whatever?, you drink beer fix itand then head to the next track. That's the way you do it. That's racing! After you drink the beer you water the roots! lol just saying! W

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

Today's racing is not ruthless, it's rootless.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"