53 Years ago at Daytona , "Squirrel's" #43 was a Convertible in the Caution-Free 500-mile DIS Inaugural Claimed by Dad, Lee in Photo Finish - Watch the Video

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

The Daytona 500 "Countdown Clock" shows 22 days 'till Daytona as I post this. Here's some clips from the first one to whet your appetite. Oh.... be warned... in 1959 you could tell the cars apart and nobody "bought" their way into the race.


"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 08/09/18 05:22:14AM
Cody Dinsmore
13 years ago
589 posts

Awesome footage! Thanks Dave!

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts


Thanks for sharing. I have not been to the Mooresville museum, but all reports I read from all you folks indicate it is an outstanding visit and worth the trip. Hope to get there.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Tim Leeming
13 years ago
3,119 posts

Dave, that was awesome to watch! I have never seen that particular footage all the way through but what a joy to see the REAL cars race with REAL drivers behind the wheels. Two things I noticed especially: 1. There is a good shot of Tiny Lund standing in the pits at about the 4 minute mark and it was good to see him. 2. My untrained eye could determine Lee's Olds had a slight lead at the line. Could it have been that Big Bill was manipulating the press to keep interest going for a few extra days? If Lee had been declared the winner outright, Monday's sports section would have ended the coverage. This way, the coverage was good for at least another three days and now, all these years later, people refer to the close finish in the first 500. Even D.W. has done so although he doesn't think reacing started until 1972, 1979, or 1983, whichever mood you may find him in. Thanks for posting that. And you truly do owe yourself a visit to Memory Lane Museum. That place is so incredible!!!! I was there yesterday for my umpteenth visit and still enjoyed every second.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Dennis  Garrett
13 years ago
560 posts

Lee Petty (Squirrel Sr.)


Richard Petty (Squirrel Jr.)


What's With Squirrel Sr.?
Lee Petty started out running moonshine like so many racers of that era, because it was a way to support the family. Even Richard went on a few runs, or so it has been rumored.

When Richard started driving race cars, he was a little out of control and some guys said he was "squirrelly." The name stuck until he could prove his ability. But his dad added "Squirrel Sr." beside his name, though obviously it did not apply since he is holding the trophy.