Awesome Dick May Tribute

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

While stumbling around looking for some photos for the new "Racing Dogs" club set up by Jeff, I remembered the late driver Dick May and his white dog Wolfie.

You may remember Dick as a journeyman driver who could get anybody's car qualified. He operated Trickie Trucking and held court across from Charlotte Motor Speedway at the Apollo Restaurant. Dick probably holds the world record for driving in the most race cars during a single race one year at Dover in a 500 miler, stepping in to relieve a number of different drivers.

Ralph Salvino hired Dick, also, to represent STP and he drove the blue STP van to the track with his dogs. You'd see STP stickers in any airport Dick had frequented.

Anyhow, I just discovered this awesome little Dick May tribute video put together by Joni May. Very poignant.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 08/03/18 03:18:59PM
Robin L. Agner
13 years ago
169 posts

Dave, I have to agree with you. It is an awesome video. Thanks for posting it here.

Tim Leeming
13 years ago
3,119 posts

Dave, thank you so very much for sharing that. Just watched it twice. Joni can not only be rightfully so very proud of Dick May but also this wonder tribute she has given us. What a wonderful world we have when memories such as these are included.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts

I have to add this bit of information to this thread. Thanks Dave for posting!

Many of you have heard my story of how RacersReunion began from an idea shared by my racing mentor, Paul Lewis and myself. A very important part of that story involves Dick May...and of all people D.K. Ulrich.

My first Legends Helping Legends event was the 2nd annual event that honored Sam Ard. Dick May was at that event and I met him there for the first time. He and D.K. were sitting together and I spent a great deal of time talking to them about "remembering our past and caring for our heroes in need". Prior to that moment, I knew I had been called to be involved at some level, but it was at that moment I was given the clear direction to go forth. That direction came emphatically from Dick May.

Dick's words still ring very clear: "Somebody needs to do something. Somebody needs to take charge and get this done. You need to do this!" When I asked Dick "Why me?". He said, "Because you care and you can."

I will never forget theseriousnessin his voice. He was a fine man. It was an honor to have met him.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Mike Sykes
13 years ago
308 posts

Great job Joni your dad would be proud. We miss him also.