Twas the Legend’s Night before Christmas

S.T.A.R.S. Radio
16 years ago
514 posts
Twas the Legends Night before ChristmasTwas the night before Christmas, when all through the garagenot an engine was humming, not even a Dodge.The Museum inductees were nestled all cozy in their beds,while visions of their last race danced in their heads.When out on the roof there arose such a rumble,I jumped out of bed and went for a tumble.Over to my window I ran aghast,All I could hear was The Legend saying I can still go fast."The moon glistened across the ground below,It was illuminating Jeff making angels in the snow.When what to my still sleepy eyes should approachbut eight Vintage racers and a red old Ford coach.What a sight came to my eyes as I quickly aroseA man with a Cowboy hat and glasses trying to poseIn a way that was, so rhythmic they cameAs Mr. Lemming commanded the drivers by name."Now Dink, now Buddy, now James and Marvin,on Paul, on Dave, on Jake and Soapy!To get to our cars we must climb over pit wall,now drive away, drive away, drive away all!"As at the start of a race when the green flag fliesTurtle could be heard saying, "let's go racin" to all of the guys.Up to the housetops, the magical stock cars flew,with a old coach full of toys, and The Legend too.On the roof I could hear all eight engines roar,as they spun the Goodyear Eagles the peddle was to the floor.The massive horsepower had me so full of glee,I almost didn't notice Tim standing right in front of me.He was dressed in a fire suit, custom-made to fit,Twinkling like a sparkler that had just been lit.Tim stated Petty may be the KingBut I can drive and singThe big bag of gifts glowed like a magical lampHe was filling it with goods for the Victory Junction Gang Camp.He had a twinkle in his eye, and a heart full of lovefor his mission was one to be proud of.A wish list he carried, rolled up like a scrollto fulfill all of the wishes was his ultimate goal.He proudly checked off the items received,and humbly displayed the ones still in need.I quickly scrambled for every item I could find,because on Christmas we should all be so giving and kind.It's a time to remember friends, family and love,and most of all, Christ, a gift from heaven above.The Legend thanked me with a twinkle in his eye,Checked off his list and looked towards the sky.Looking for that Coach that had just steeredHe was up the chimney as fast as he'd appeared.He climbed in the Vintage Racer, gave the horn a loud blastas the drivers revved up their engines and peeled out fast.But I heard him say, just before they went into flight,"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"
updated by @stars-radio: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Johnny Mallonee
16 years ago
3,259 posts
B R A V O -------- S I R ---

Ronda McKnight
16 years ago
63 posts
Good Job!!!! Very well written. I love the creativity that you guys have.
Jeff Gilder
16 years ago
1,784 posts
You have unveiled yet another talent, Mr STARS. ..awesome!

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