Open Letter to Richmond Track Management

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

Just wanted to clarify something many of you already know, but has really irritated me.

When Richmond International Raceway first began to promote the theme of 60 years of NASCAR on January 12 of this year, I wrote them the same day to remind them that NASCAR races at the Richmond 1/2-mile dirt track began on May 16, 1948, not 1953 as they indicated in all their promo material.

As you may know, Red Bryon on 5/16/1948 won the very first NASCAR race of any kind staged in the Commonwealth of Virginia - a Modified event in NASCAR's inaugural season. In fact, in 1998, RIR celebrated its 50th Anniversary, along with NASCAR when former Richmond Times-Dispatch Sports Editor, Jack Berninger arranged for the late Bill France, Jr. to deliver the keynote address to the Associated Press Sports Editors National Convention in Richmond.

When I informed Aimee Turner of the track's real NASCAR history, she claimed she was unaware and that all old media materials had evidently been thrown away. BUT, the track never took any steps to correct its mistake at a time when it could. It continued to publicize the myth that NASCAR racing at Richmond began in 1953, not 1948.

I have no idea how many NASCAR Modified events were held at Richmond between 1948 and 1953, but I'm sure it was a good number. It just strikes me as extremely disrespectful and rude to ignore the true heritage of the Richmond track and men like Red Byron, along with Glen Wood, another Richmond modified winner, as well as the scores of Richmond modified participants and champions, like Junie Donlavey, Eddie Crouse, Sonny Hutchins, Ray Hendrick, Cal Johnson and on and on.

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Dave Fulton

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 12/16/16 07:54:05AM
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

Thanks for the moral support. It has really, really gotten under my skin that they wouldn't publicly recognize their error to the good fans of Richmond, some of whom were there in 1948.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

I have had extremely positive e-mail responses to trying to set the Richmond NASCAR record straight from several very top notch folks, including:

Monte Dutton - Gaston Gazette

Randy Hallman - Richmond Times-Dispatch

Nate Ryan - USA Today

All of their e-mails expressed appreciation and the desire to have this kind of thing quit happening regarding NASCAR records.

Nate, the USA Today motorsports writer, mentioned that he considered the absolute highlight of his motorsports journalism career the opportunity to interview two Richmond based dirt track modified drivers before they passed - two-time NASCAR National Champion, Eddie Crouse and Sonny Hutchins.

Nate also says the track claims all of the old records were mistakenly thrown away.

I will keep pushing this subject until I ruffle every feather that can be ruffled.

Yesterday I posted 3 comments on to correct their Richmond story about the dates and the track configuration.

The NASCAR story claimed 5 different Richmond configurations. That is wrong. There have been 3. NASCAR measured the half-mile asphalt track paved in 1968 three different times with different measurements.

The NASCAR story also claimed Martinsville as the oldest NASCAR track in Virginia. I also corrected that error.

I am surprised that my corrections haven't been taken down. Then again, I may be banned from further posts on

I really appreciate old pals like Monte, Randy and Nate jumping to defend the correct information as we know it, not as the Richmond track and NASCAR have incorrectly distributed.

Thanks to all of you for your support.

This is very near and dear to me.

By the way, here is the link to the Richmond story at that I have corrected 3 times." target="_blank">

The story and my corrections were still up when I made this post. They must not be reading the comments, lol!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

While we're brushing up on dead languages, I'm sure the state flag of the Commonwealth of Virginia will be proudly displayed the next two nights at the Richmond track.

It's Latin motto, " Sic Semper Tyrannis " is amazingly appropriate at this time.

Sic semper tyrannis is a Latin phrase meaning " thus always to tyrant s ."

In this case, I consider Richmond track management, ISC and NASCAR the tyrants.

If we believe the message on the Virginia flag, race fans and racers shall one day prevail!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dennis  Garrett
13 years ago
560 posts

Somewhere in my pile of racing junk, I have some circa 1988- 1990 RIR track seat cushions that was white, with crossed checkered flag and (out of focus type) State of Va. flag.

Paul Sawyer and RIR had to used an (out of focus type) of State of Va. flag instead of (clear focus type example above) of State of Va. flag, because of conflicts with Virginia State laws.

Dennis Garrett

Dennis  Garrett
13 years ago
560 posts

I used the pc monitor screen size: (Display Modes/High Color/ 800 x 600), when I'm on internet.
I don't like reading the smaller words on the pc monitor screen size:
(Display Modes/High Color/ 1024 x 768)
#1. 1st time I logged on:" rel="nofollow">
I didn't see the (10) comments at bottom of screen until I switched from pc monitor screen size: (Display Modes/High Color/ 800 x 600) to (Display Modes/High Color/ 1024 x 768).
#2. under your #2 and #3 comments I had to click (show more) to see the rest of your #2 and #3 comments.
#3. After I read your comment: I switched from pc monitor screen size: (Display Modes/High Color/ 1024 x 768) to (Display Modes/High Color/ 800 x 600).
Then I could see the (10) comments at bottom of screen.
Below is (2)photos of your very informitive (3)comments.



Dennis  Garrett
13 years ago
560 posts

What happen to the 1954 NASCAR Grand National Race/ Richmond Stock Car Race???

What happen to the old Richmond race track photos that was on website???

Thank you very much for any infomation given.

Dennis Garrett

Tim Leeming
13 years ago
3,119 posts

Wonderful expression of what we all feel Dave. Thanks for that and for caring.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

Dennis, there was not a 1954 Cup race held at Richmond.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

Thanks, Monty... From the Gaston Gazette :

To clarify Richmond International Raceway never hosted a race in what is now the Sprint Cup Series until 1953, but the tracks first NASCAR-sanctioned race was in 1948.

On May 16, 1948, Red Byron won the tracks first NASCAR race, a Modified Division event. Strictly Stock, which later evolved into Grand National, Winston Cup, Nextel and Sprint Cup, didnt begin until the following year and did not visit the Richmond fairgrounds track until April 19, 1953, when Lee Petty won in a Dodge, followed by Dick Rathmanns Hudson.

Monte Dutton; 704-869-1841;

Read more:" target="_blank">

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"