Tim Leeming
13 years ago
3,119 posts

My Legendtorial from last night (should be on the home page by now) led to an e-mail from someone from whom I've never heard before. The e-mail was polite (to an extent) but insisted that I issue a sincere apology to Danica Patrick for what I said about her. I responded to that individual with a nice e-mail in which I state "An apology to that woman will not be coming from me. She should, however, apologize to the race fans she is ripping off". After much considertaion this morning, I have decided to ask you folks, the ones of you who read the Legendtorial or heard it last night, whether or not YOU think an apology is in order. I'm just curious as to your thoughts. I must tell you up front, however, that it is highly unlikely I will apologize to her for anything I said.

Funny the e-mail writer did not think it necessary that I apologize to the Waltrip duo.

I'll be checking back for what you folks have to say. While I respect each of you and your opinions, I am also firm in my belief that race fans are being duped by Danica Patrick, GoDaddy and NASCAR into believing this woman is a race driver.

Thank you. Even if you don't agree with me, thank you for reading.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

updated by @tim-leeming: 03/11/17 04:43:28PM
Randy Myers2
13 years ago
219 posts

I have got to get you two back on your meds. LOL!

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

No apology needed.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

By the way, I now have evidence that Darrell Waltrip is a thief. Check out this:

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Max Plummer
13 years ago
89 posts

How does one tell another to apologize to someone else? My Granmother use to make my brother apologize to me for beating me up,then he would beat up again for having to apologize.Confusing ain't it?

Don't do it Tim it is a trick !!!

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

Well, boogity, boogity, boogity!!!

Remember the song, but not the boogity, lol.

Thanks, PK

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Leon Phillips
13 years ago
626 posts

Apology NO keep doing what you are doing great job

Jim Wilmore
13 years ago
488 posts

Tim, I was always told "Say what you mean and mean what you say." There are no "take-backs", not unless you're Barrack Obama and you don't want to labeled a "Flip Flopper".

Robin L. Agner
13 years ago
169 posts

Great Legendtorial Tim. No apology needed. I lost all respect for her after hearing some of her uncensored radio communication at Daytona. Undoubtedly the F bomb is her favorite word when having a tantrum.

13 years ago
10 posts

Hi guys,

Since I met my hubby, he has always told me, you can't be sorry for the way you feel and I strongly believe that. When Danica came to NASCAR, I was excited to have a female driver to cheer for and I did..at first. I wanted her to do well in the sport. Before too long we were bombarded with sleazy Go Daddy commercials and every time you turned on anything NASCAR, they were ranting and raving about her. I started watching her racing more closely and saw..in my opinion that she isn't that wonderful. I mean, I give her credit to join a male dominated sport and to have the guts to get out there and run..BUT, I believe she sold her self out by doing all these sleazy commercials and photos...Go ahead and Google her. As a woman, she should be respectful and earn her fans by her personality and skills...not from her half naked photos and commercials. In my opinion..she puts women down. She's using her looks to get race fans. She is not a race car driver...she's a glorified racing model. I mean who else do you hear NASCAR go on and on and on about who is running in 33rd place and down 6 laps but her? They talk about her non stop even while a rookie is running 7th place..and that folks is ridiculous! NASCAR has a thing for Danica...not because she can race well..but because she is female and is a "money maker" Shame on Danica and NASCAR for that. I personally am sick to death with Danica mania! I wanna hear about the top 15 drivers not someone who isn't even really in the race!

As race fans, we are all going to have different views on drivers and drama on the track. That is what makes it fun. How boring would racing be if we all liked the same driver. Ohhh so and so looks great today...awesome car...look at him/her go...blah blah blah. Racing is meant to be exciting and as a GOOD race fan...you will agree to disagree with another. I see it on Twitter all the time, people get into cursing fights because they don't agree on a driver or something that happened during the race...WHY? We are all never going to agree on everything racing..period. We are who we are..and we like and dislike who we do..and that is our right. I'm gonna going to worry about saying I don't like Danica, Tony or Kevin and I'm not going to apologize for liking Kyle Busch....lol

So the moral of my story is...NO Tim, you shouldn't apologize at all for what you said or how you feel about Danica or any other driver..and true NASCAR fans will let it roll of their back if they don't agree with you anyways. Any finally..it's nice for me to actually hear that people feel the same about Danica. She would have earned my respect if she had stayed a LADY and raced her heart out. Her selling out turned me off her for good and it seems to me she doesn't have a very nice personality either. So with all this said...if you don't all agree with me..hopefully you can agree to disagree with me. That is what places like this are for. You shouldn't come to public racing places if you aren't mature enough to hear people's opinions.

Just my 2 cents :)


PS..I'm with my buddy Patty on this one too...if you apologize for what you say about Danica or anybody else..I will be in that ass kicking line right behind her..LOL! :D

Sandeep Banerjee
13 years ago
360 posts

I don't really like it when someone gets undue amount of praise or hype as Danica has gotten for most of her career for all the wrong reasons (exposing skin instead of winning races). However I have to say she's exceeded my expectations (which weren't that high though, lol) in stock cars so far. I highly doubt she'll ever contend for wins unless they fall in her lap at a plate track crapshoot.

Sandeep Banerjee
13 years ago
360 posts
