Questionable Wikipedia Website's History of Southside Speedway

Dennis  Garrett
13 years ago
560 posts

Enjoyed tonight's LET'S TALK RACING WITH Joe & Ruth KELLY radio show with guest host Bob Wilcox. 6PM-8PM, Wednesday night, May 16, 2011 WARV 100.3 FM., Richmond,Va.
There was discussion about the Questionable Wikipedia Website's History of Southside Speedway, which used to be known as Royall Speedway and Wack-A-Mole Speedway / Whack-A-Mole Speedway in the early 1950s.
Joe & Ruth KELLY and guest host Bob Wilcox said they never heard of Wack-A-Mole Speedway or Whack-A-Mole Speedway!!!
They wanted the name of the person and from what race history sources(old race magazines - old newspapers) that person had used???
Dennis Garrett
Richmond, Va. USA

(Below) photo ofQuestionable Wikipedia Website's History of Southside Speedway

updated by @dennis-garrett: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts

Wikipedia is pretty much useless to me. I don't want to waste my time researching the garbage one is likely to find there. I will sometimes go there to establish a thread or to get a lead, but learned the hard way, to quote anything from Wikipedia is a mistake.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

If nobody has ever heard of it other than the author (whoever that may have been), I'd discount it, too.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dennis  Garrett
13 years ago
560 posts

Keep up good work, you located very interested race photos and race material to discussed about.
Are you using one of them smart phone or smart I-Pads?
I got one of them slow dumb computer and I can't find half of the interested race photos and race material that you located.

For the last 20 years, I've been listening to "Joe Kelly/the late Eddie Anderson's Fifth Turn" and "LET'S TALK RACING WITH Joe & Ruth KELLY" live call-in talk radio programs.
I'm known as "The Dennis, Who Asked Dumb, Long Winded Racing Questions"!!! And I'm Proud of It!!!
Just about every wed. night, I would call in and asked the old race history questions that no one else would think about or afraid to asked!!!
I remember one wed. night, I asked Joe Kelly about his motorcycle racing history and told me about Joe Weatherly was his best motorcycle racing friend.
During one motorcycle race, Joe Kelly borrow and wrecked Joe Weatherly's race winning motorcycle and "Joe Kelly, the motorcycle racer was declared Dead" in the local newspapers!!!
Joe Kelly was alive but badly hurt.
Joe Kelly said that Joe Weatherly was more upset about his race winning motorcycle that was now, torn up in million pieces than his best friend being declared dead!!!
Joe Kelly said even now, he would go motorcycle race tracks and heard old fans of motorcycle racing and they would mention that they was at the race track and watched & witness motorcycle racer Joe Kelly crashed his motorcycle racer and declared dead at race track!!!
They also mention that they went to motorcycle racer, Joe Kelly's Funeral!!! LOL

Wikipedia is great source of missing information, sometimes it's true, sometimes it's false!!!
I did found out Someone did edit Wikipedia, the History of Southside Speedway and put in Wack-A-Mole Speedway and used #4 Richmond Times Disptch newspaper article as it's information source!!! No where in Richmond Times Dispatch newspaper article is Wack-A-Mole Speedway / Whack-A-Mole Speedway mention or written.

The sad part is this person didn't used the correct information source to back up his "Wack-A-Mole Speedway / Whack-A-Mole Speedway" information.

Even the Southside Speedway Facebook Page hasthe"Wack-A-Mole Speedway / Whack-A-Mole Speedway" information.

Today's newspapers, books, and magazines published old racing photos and racing history articles that was in old race magazines that listed the wrong name of winning race driver or wrong flagman's name in the race, even the wrong race track's name, year, and location!!!
Ever heard of Newspaper News Retractions!!!
sincerely Yours,
Dennis Garrett
Richmond,Va. USA

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts


I believe jeff Gilder very succinctly above summed up the value of using Wikipedia and I should have known better.

In fact, here in North Carolina, our Republcan party majority head in the NC Legislature has found himself under attack this week for citing Wikipedia... he was as off kilter as I was.

That said, let me say that Joe Kelly, his wife Ruth and the late Eddie Anderson have been treasures - promoting, broadcasting and preserving motorsports history in the Richmond, Virginia area. I have great respect for all three.

Eddie was a very polished broadcasting executive who took on the role of "Troubleshooter" for the late Roy H. Park of Roy H. Park Broadcasting, Inc. and its multitude of properties. Eddie traveled all over the country for Roy "fixing" troubled radio and television properties. He did many things behind the scenes in his broadcasting executive capacity that folks will never know about to ensure the broadcasting of stock car racing information from the late 50s onward.

To see Eddie in his big cowboy hat in the P.A. booth at Southside Speedway or Brunswick Speedway in Lawrenceville, Virginia, you'd never know he was a slick, polished, very well spoken broadcasting executive. His daily "5th Turn " program on WXGI was the bible of Richmond motorsports, as was his collaboration later with Joe Kelly on the Sunday pre-race shows on WXGI.

I first knew of Joe when he was doing P.A. at Southside in the 60s with Eddie. When Joe became the Southside Speedway promoter I was managing the Wrangler Jeans NASCAR program in Greensboro, NC. Joe approached me and I outfitted all the Southside Speedway personnel in Wrangler products in the 80s.

When I returned to Richmond in January 1990 to work for Paul Sawyer at RIR as his Media Relations Director, I began to have much more interaction with Eddie, Joe and Ruth appearing often on their radio shows as well as Joe and Ruth's weekly racing television show on Blab-TV.

Joe is a treasure trove of racing history and many folks confuse him with the late Pennsylvania stock car racer who ran under the name Joe Kelly. Joe had some pretty scary motorcycle racing escapades... in fact, "our" Joe raced motorcycles at Occoneechee.

Richmond has been blessed to have broadcasters like Eddie Anderson and Joe and Ruth Kelly as well as award winning motorsports writers like Randy Hallman, Jerry Lindquist, Harold Pearson, Ben Blake, Keith Parsons, Rea White and Nate Ryan. I am lucky to have counted them all as my friends.

Add to that photographers of the caliber of our own Richmonder, Ray Lamm, and its understandable why Humpy Wheeler once said if the border to Virginia ever closed, so would Charlotte Motor Speedway.

I hope you keep finding old racing news and photos and correcting the errors you see.

Here's a little memory I have of Joe & Ruth:

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"