Featured Legend Jimmy Helms on May 25th and many changes for the HCCFS 2 classes added

Michael W. Smith
13 years ago
109 posts

Starting Friday Night May 25th we have added two susport divisions at the Historic Cleveland County Fairgrounds Speedway. We have added a V8 class called DRC'S (Dirt Race Cars) They will be stock appearing American Brand Cars like the Renegades and Crate Sportsman cars that run at Cherokee Speedway. The class will pay $400 to win. Max Tire rule is 8 1/2 width. No quick changes or coil over shocks. The engine must match the Brand of the body.The cars must also meet our safety rules spelled out in the Good Old Days Series Rule Book. We will also be running the Fair 4's FWD cars every week $200 to win. We feel by running these two susport divisions it will give us time to get the Good Old Days Series up and running and help pay the bills.Car count has been down but the racing has been great.Please go to goodolddaysseries.com for more information. Also very excited to Have RacersReunion Family of Legends Driver Jimmy Helms with us on the 25th. Jimmy will be signing autographs and visiting with the fans. Please come out and help us keep this thing going. Thanks and God Bless W

updated by @michael-w-smith: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts

I think the additional classes are a great idea, W!

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