Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

Setting here thinking I had some olod thoughts of Cotton Owens come to mind. One in particular was when my dad and Bob Brown went up to see him,of course there was a method to their trips and somehow Cotton Owens talked them into trying a few special items he had laying around.

Seems those old heads thought a lot alike and those trips are now golden memories I have..

How about you,What are your fond memories of Cotton Owens?? Want to share them>>>>> PLEASE DO

Jun 7, 2012 12:35 PM ET

updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/16/16 07:54:05AM
Max Plummer
13 years ago
89 posts

Johnny i never had the honors to see Cotton drive i was to young. But i did have the honors meeting Cotton and his wife at the Charlotte track years ago. He was signing autographs at a small table. I was lucky enough to have walked up during a slow time of his session. That man sit and talked to me like i was someone. That meeting always stayed with me because of just how humble he was to me. We are losing them one by one thank God we have places like this that will never let them be forgotten, they are true men. By the way i didn't get his autograph but i did get to hear a story or 2 of the good day's.